Website: The Violators
Mjila, light and dark two-team meshes using traditional units for Myth II. Mjilamania, the light mesh: - Dwarves 6/9 - Bowmen 12/18 - Ghols 12/18 - Thrall 15/30 - Journeymen 3/3 - Wights 3/6 - Warriors 12/18 - Stampede units are Peasants, and they must be …
Piled Higher & Deeper
This is the 1.0 release of Piled Higher & Deeper, after a weeks worth of creation and beta testing. Funny, eh? Less than a week...good things can happen when you have a g3/400 and a light week of crew workouts. This is a five-player map, which means …
This 5-team FFA map has been released for public consumption. Featuring an incredibly natural looking texture and a distinctive mountainous flavor, this developing map will certainly be another fine addition to any map collection. Three mesh versions are …
Rank and Defiled
Featuring artwork by Legolas of Clan Plaid and mesh by Malkavian, this epic-two team map has been released for public download and suggestion. Featuring meshes with Heron Guards, Myrkridia, and a special Classic mesh that takes you back to days before …
Tamaerlin is a 2-team map for Myth II: Soulblighter. It features a light mesh, with units similar to Dead of Winter and Cracks in the Cloudspines, and it features a dark mesh, with units similar to Clash in the Cloudspines. Tamaerlin is unique in that it …
Like Blood Through A Sieve
This is a sequel to the classic TFL map Like Blood Through A Sieve, but not a direct port. It possesses many similarities - a river, walls obstructing movement, and townships filled with peasants - but goes beyond the original to provide a much richer …
This is an intricate and beautiful tropical islands map set in a volcanic archipelago in the middle of the ocean. The map features a teams and a ffa mesh, and offers a completely unique gameplay experience with a finely balanced unit selection and a …
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