Website: The Onyx Warlords
- Author Bio
- I reside on the north shore of Vancouver, BC, Canada. More specifically where the two mountains of Grouse, and Fromme, collide in a valley. This area is known as 'The Shore' to thousands of mountain bikers worldwide, myself included. It's considered one of the meccas of freeride mountain biking, and has some of the gnarliest, technical trails around. Adding to that are tons of man-made stunts; bridges, jumps, log rides, rock drops, crazy steep rock faces and an assortment of skinnies. My favorite real life pastime is to go up and ride my ass down those trails, and furthermore, absolutely love it. When I'm working on myth I like to focus mainly on the loathing aspects of the project, such as the colourmap, the mesh creation, and the scripting. Collaboration with my other team members from Onyx allows me to explore my creativity without feeling pressured to learn detailed aspects of all of mapmaking. Hope you enjoy my productions.
Mazzarin's Demise 6 Detail Textures
This plugin utilizes 1.7's new Add-On Plugin feature. If you have a copy of "Magma - Mazz 6 (v.2)" in your plugins folder already, simply drop this unzipped plugin alongside it. If you have 'Landscape Textures' preference turned on using OpenGL rendering, …
The Tragedy of Macbeth
This plugin contains two cinematic levels designed for a grade ten Humanities project I did, in coordination with my classmate Iggy (Ignacio). The premise was this: We were reading the play 'The Tragedy of Macbeth' by Shakespeare, and after reading the …
TFV Zelgazra PMI Interface
A replacement metaserver for featuring Zelgazra The Leveler. Unzip the file and place the folder into your 'metaservers' folder inside your main Myth 2 directory, then you can pick it from the Servers list in the Multiplayer Setup dialogue in …
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