You, Gallathan the Knight, wake up with your 8 companions in a square room without any door or windows. You don't know who and why imprisoned you here. You can't even recall what had happened before you fell asleep. The only chance for you is to follow …
Orpheus Rising
"It has been 71 years since the end of the Great War and the fall of Balor. Eleven years since the fall of his greatest general, Soulblighter, in the second war. Now, the ageing King Alric has committed himself to rebuilding the Old Empire and restoring …
The Untold Story
The Untold Story is set during the first years of the Great War, when Soulblighter is going to enter the fight. He's coming back from Untamed Lands. Avatara, who are defying foe in the West, have got no idea what is happening in the East, where people …
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