The Hit Man
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- Make ww2 and reg plugs
AVA / AVX COOPS - Operation 99
2 plug ins for ava/avx coop players file 1 (99easy) aka Operation 99, has 3 maps, solo player, 3 player, 16 player adaptive all coops. Using the 99 units from AVX against pretty much any and everything in Reg Myth, AVA and AVX plug ins. Each map tells you …
AVA4FINAL You filthy dogs really love Brandon Hex. The most hated man has the most played 3rd party plug in current rotation. Thanks a bunch, specially the haters :) final version of the last version of a WW2 you might ever see. Should be trouble free …
Trow Killer Deluxe
Trow Killers Deluxe is a series of Co-Op Myth II: Soulblighter maps that introduces a horde of new units for both light & dark. If you are a fan of Mazz, this will be much the same with mutli-levels so vets can advance. As you win each map, you also …
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