Mazzarin’s Demise VII: G Series Builds [beta]
MAZZARIN’S DEMISE VII: G SERIES Build G10: Updated 11/25/18 Changelog, full versions, and patches are always available at www.tinyurl.com/godzmazz Note: This series of builds is meant as a proof of concept, polish, and quality assurance of the plugin HMP …
Myth III: The Wolf Age Interface
Love it or hate it, Myth III, The Wolf Age was a distinct change in the series in many aspects. One of those areas was it's unique new User Interface. Going beyond the normal 'swap and replace graphics' that other UIs have done, The Wolf Age interface …
Dream Of Death v1
“Why Mazzarin could not divine his own future with clarity will forever be unknown, but perhaps he glimpsed the torment and shadows that awaited, for he began to gather a band of champions, gifting them with artifacts magical and of strange technologies …
Myth 3 Godmode
MYTH 3 GODMODE By GODZFIRE M3 Godmode is a simple plugin that makes all your units invincible. You can use it however you want; to explore maps, to see how the difficulty level effects the number of enemies on a map, test new strategies, whatever. There …
Myth III: The Wolf Age Cutscenes
Myth 3 Cutscenes, by GodzFire These are the Myth III: The Wolf Age cutscenes encoded as QuickTime movies. They are directly from the Myth 3 disc. These cutscenes can be used with Myth III by simply placing them in the "movies" folder inside the Myth III …
Myth III MultiPlayer Rooms Collection PSD
Myth III MultiPlayer Rooms Collection PSD, by GodzFire Nothing really special, but I put together a collage of old Myth rooms in a nice photoshop PSD for anyone to work with, or have for memory purposes. These were extracted from the Myth 3 tags, 20 rooms …
Myth I / II MultiPlayer Rooms Collection PSD
Myth 1 / 2 MultiPlayer Rooms, by GodzFire Nothing really special, but I put together a collage of old Myth rooms in a nice Photoshop PSD for anyone to work with, or have for memory purposes. These were extracted from the Myth 1 and 2 tags, 46 rooms total. …
Myth 3 High Res World Map
Myth 3 High Res World Map, by GodzFire Inside the M3 collection tags, is a very high resolution map of Myth 3, The Wolf Age world. I've extracted it, and enhanced the colors on it. The map itself is 1494x1263. Note: All Myth III - The Wolf Age material is …
Myth 3 Desktop Wallpaper Pack
Myth 3 Desktop Wallpaper Pack, by GodzFire While working on a project using M3 resources, I came upon some pictures which I thought would make great wallpapers, so here they are to share with you! All the images are taken from inside the M3 collections. …
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