It would be nice to be able to use the keyboard layout I use in windows in myth too, so that I can annoy people by writing in Swedish åäöåäö
I was just thinking, what about a beta category?
For maps that are work in progress or just unfinished maps (yet playable)
It's just that I've got like 2 maps that wont be done in the near future (if ever :p) but they're still playable (atleast most of the gametypes)...
Hey, I'm trying to extract a plugin,
back in the days I used Tag Extractor for this kinda stuff, but the thing is that I don't have classic no more. Is there any other tag extracting app out there for osX or windows? What I wanna do is exctract the whole plug and not just parts.
(This is not a bug report forum, for bug reporting, please use the appropriate project bug report tool.) Where do I find this? Anyway, the script at the end of the deceiver seems to be broke in 1.5.2 build 278 & 279, the zerk says the words, then just walks up on the deceiver and stands there.....