I have never really understood a firewall, and I have never really understood what a port does. Me and two other friends of mine have been trying to play with eachother but they both have routers with firewalls implemented in them. They've both tried to turn of the firewall within the router but haven't been able to do it. My internet comes from a university and I don't think I can turn of the school's firewall...
Is it possible to host a game and get people to join WITH a firewall enabled? Is there some trick with ports or something?... or can it simply not be done?
The second question I have is... how does this autohost feature work??? I get holding the shift key down and all that and putting up a game, but what's the use? At first I thought it had something to do with the server being a host or something... but neither of my friends could join the game because of a firewall... sorry for my ignorance...
Thanks for any help in advance
Firewall Problems - and question about autohost
To be able to host a game of Myth, your port 3453 needs to be forwarded to your ip adress. I dont know if this is possible at your university, just ask an admin. In general, it is possible to host something with a firewall, you just have to allow the Myth data to pass through.
Autohost is the same as hosting a normal game - the only difference is that you (as a host) are automatically represented by a kind of "bot" (called AUTOHOST) that does all the work for you.
In every game that plays on your host, you are set as an observer who cannot play. On the other hand, you also do not need to stay at your pc to start a game or change game settings: if (at least) 2 people joined your autohost and are both ready, the game starts AUTOmatically after about 30 seconds without you having to click on the start button. After the game ends, game options aure AUTOmatically changed according to your configuration and the game is restarted after another 30 seconds. Look into the manual for more details.
Note that if nobody can join your game in normal mode, nobody will be able to join it in autohost mode.
- Phex.
Autohost is the same as hosting a normal game - the only difference is that you (as a host) are automatically represented by a kind of "bot" (called AUTOHOST) that does all the work for you.
In every game that plays on your host, you are set as an observer who cannot play. On the other hand, you also do not need to stay at your pc to start a game or change game settings: if (at least) 2 people joined your autohost and are both ready, the game starts AUTOmatically after about 30 seconds without you having to click on the start button. After the game ends, game options aure AUTOmatically changed according to your configuration and the game is restarted after another 30 seconds. Look into the manual for more details.
Note that if nobody can join your game in normal mode, nobody will be able to join it in autohost mode.
- Phex.