1. I installed patch 1.1 (official)
2. The same thing with 1.2
3. And again the same thing with the bloodpatch ('cause I've the german version of TFL)
4. And last but not least your 1.5-patch
Now to the prob: I started the game and was really happy to see, that the screenresolution was higher than before. As I've read in another topic, there is no Direct3D support for my GF6800 in TFL yet, so I know now, why I wasn't able to activate it in the preferences.
But: When I try to start a mission, there appears for a very short time the usual load-screen, then I fall back on the Desktop without a message. May it have to do with my german-version of TFL?
I've installed it on a PC (A64-3500, 1024MB Ram, GF6800). I've tried it without the bloodpatch now, but nothing changes: After half a second, the loadingscreen crashes and I'm back on the desk...
I will try to get a fresh build of 1.5 up on the Project page in the next 24 hours. The current 1.5 build is expired which may be part of your problem.
Note: 1.5 requires that you have installed the 1.3 patch also.
Oh! I'm an old bullhead! Patch 1.3! Thanks a lot! I'll try it!
by the way: I thank the gods, that there are such pals like you in the big wastes of the web! A really great community for this great game! So recieve then my best wishes for your honorable work