Unable to find  cutscene - prologue.smk - Unable to find  cutscene - prologue.smk

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Unable to find  cutscene - prologue.smk - Unable to find  cutscene - prologue.smk

Loading Patch Files...
Patch 1.2
No votes
Unable to find the following cutscene - prologue.smk
Patch 1.3
No votes
PlayMyth v1.2.1
No votes
Patch 1.4
Patch 1.4 Interface
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Patch 1.5
Loading Patch Files Succeeded
Error: Data Missing in .\Myth2Code\cutscenes\cutscenes.c, line #369:
Total votes: 11

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Post by truck70 »

win xp 1.7g,nvidia 128m ,512mb i did down load all the update for my OS and did the full install with 1.5 but still i could'nt load replay intro cutscene it boot me right back to window,crash blue screen,reboot.please help,thanks

Myth II Build 234 running under Modern Windows 5.010000
Scanning for software devices...
Found 1 to use
Scanning for Direct3D devices...
Found 1 to use
Scanning for 3Dfx devices...
Found 0 to use
Using GDI for Input
Mouse appears to have 3 buttons and 3 axes.
Initialized for DirectSound3D using COM
Loading Patch Files...
Patch 1.2
Patch 1.3
PlayMyth v1.2.1
Patch 1.4
Patch 1.4 Interface
Patch 1.5
Loading Patch Files Succeeded
Error: Data Missing in .\Myth2Code\cutscenes\cutscenes.c, line #369:
Unable to find the following cutscene - prologue.smk
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Post by Lothar »

Uhhhh, nice poll :)


The reason you crash is because the cutscene "prologue.smk" is missing from the cutscenes folder. This is because you aren't using the CD :)

The cutscenes are all contained on the CD and are not installed with the basic or the full installation.

There are two ways to remedy this problem:

1. Put in the CD

2. Copy all of the cutscenes files from the CD onto your cutscenes directory in your Myth II folder (it's like 200 MB?). This can be done using Windows explorer I guess, but I'm on a Macintosh, so I'm not comletely sure if that's how you access the cutscenes on Windows :O <--- OMG WINDOWS
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Joined: Mon Mar 01, 2004 9:08 pm

Post by CIK »

The full install leaves out the intro cutscene and now that 1.5 doesn't require the CD people need to copy the intro one or put the CD in the drive if they want to view it.

Post by Zar »

I have the exact same problem. I get booted to blue screen and have to reboot.

I thought putting in the CD would help but all I get is a black screen with music.

I then have to quit with ctrl/alt/delete.

The myth log says the exact same.

''Error: Data Missing in .\Myth2Code\cutscenes\cutscenes.c, line #369:
Unable to find the following cutscene - prologue.smk ''

In what map do you copy the cutscene?
Posts: 1127
Joined: Mon Mar 01, 2004 9:08 pm

Post by CIK »

Zar you need to find the cutscenes folder in your Myth II install and then copy all the files in the cutscenes folder on the install CD to that folder.

Post by Zar »

I don't have a cutscenes folder on my installed myth. I could make the map, but I don't know where to place it.

Say myth is installed here: C:\Program Files\Myth II

should it be put in that folder or in one of the other folders like local?
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Post by CIK »

It would go right inside the "Myth II" folder. If you are missing the cutscenes folder you may also be missing some of the tag files. Compare your tags folder with the one on the CD to see if your missing of them also.

Post by Willdawgg »

I accidentally threw away my cutscenes folder and my myth II CD is broken. Is there any way to get around this or to download this file from the internet?
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Post by Myrd »

The missing cutscenes should not be causing the crashes. If they're missing, they simply won't be displayed.

Post by Willdawg »

I have triple checked everything. The only thing that is missing is the cutscenes folder. If somebody could email it to me perhaps?

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Joined: Mon Mar 01, 2004 9:08 pm

Post by CIK »

It's a little large for email. But like Myrd said it won't cause you to crash. The missing file message may be the last entry in your Myth_log but that just how it's playing out. When you have a hard crash 95% of the time Myth didn't write anything to the log about the problem before it crashed. Some time in the future there will be a release of the cutscenes in quicktime format and they will be distributed via a yet to be determined method.

Post by Willdawgg »

Well how about I show you what my myth log says.
2005-06-21 14:20:31
Myth II Build 234 running under MacOS 1039 ----------------------------------------------
Scanning for software devices...
Found 1 to use
Scanning for OpenGL devices...
Found 1 to use
Error: Data Missing in cutscenes.c, line #369: Unable to find the following cutscene - prologue.smk

That's everything in my myth log. If that isn't the problem, I don't know what is. Everything else seems to be fine. All the tags and correct patches are in the right folders. Perhaps someone knows the solution?
Posts: 1127
Joined: Mon Mar 01, 2004 9:08 pm

Post by CIK »

First let's start with a description of your problem. I don't see any where in this thread where you mention what the problem is.

Also I see you are still running 1.5.0, I'd suggest getting the 1.5.1 update and see if anything changes.
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