By looking in the Project Magma patches with Tag Extractor, I discovered that many tags have been modified and are actually overriding the original ones.
Could I know what kind of changes have been apported to units and meshes?
It's important, since I'm working to a new total conversion "Legends of The Ermine (b7)", downloadable from my site soon.
"Should I work on the original tags or on the patched ones?"
"Also, when do you think that tools like Amber, Tag Extractor, Fear and Loathing will be ported to Mac OS X?"
About unit balance
Changing existing tags vs. creating new ones is up to you, and each has its benefits and drawbacks. Changing existing tags will change all the original game levels, not just your own – if you don't care about that, changing Bungie's tags doesn't matter. On the other hand, it can be a lot easier to keep track of what you're doing when you're using your own tag naming scheme in Fear. Creating all new tags is what a lot of people prefere to do, but problems arise when you reach a certain number of total tags. Unless something has changed in one of the patches, Myth can only support 512 tags of each type, and if you're doing a true total conversion (sounds and everything) that limit can be reached pretty easily. Vista had that problem when they did Jinn, and the only way they got around it was hacking other Myth II files, which unfortunately makes Jinn unplayable (as far as I know) under the 1.4 and up Myth patches.
As for which to work with ? As Maug said, if youre doing a TC youre gonna want to watch your number of tags, though 1.5 jacks these limits up immensely from 1.3 / 1.4.x, its probably still a good idea to keep in mind there are *still* limits.
::doesnt recall off hand what those limits have been increased to:: :o(
In the end, its up to you to decide which way. We all have our preferences on how to do these things after all. ;op[/color]
I asked Fe about this a couple nights ago, as I was kinda afraid to touch these new tags not knowing what the overall effect would be. Fe informed me it will work like the default bungie tags, make an adjustment to one of them, then it will appear in the appropriate folder in your local. Decide against the change, just delete the tag out of the local, no harm to the patches or plugs. ;o)Taskman wrote:Er... No.
Just meant:
Should I work on the tags included in my Myth II CD (Small Install, etc.) or on the patched versions made by MythDev and Project Magma staff?
As for which to work with ? As Maug said, if youre doing a TC youre gonna want to watch your number of tags, though 1.5 jacks these limits up immensely from 1.3 / 1.4.x, its probably still a good idea to keep in mind there are *still* limits.
::doesnt recall off hand what those limits have been increased to:: :o(
In the end, its up to you to decide which way. We all have our preferences on how to do these things after all. ;op[/color]
"Do you want to be healed now? Or would you prefer to bleed to death so I can try my hand at resurrection?"
Thanks for the help.
In my case, I noticed that a mesh edited by the Project Magma group in Myth II 1.5 was conflicting with the correspunding one in my conversion (actually Legends of The Ermine (b6r3), which worked fine under Myth II 1.4 or newer.
Talking about "Twice Born" if you care.
I noticed that a couple persons visited my site yesterday to download Legends of The Ermine (b7).
Unluckily, I'm currently migrating my site to a better host, and softwares won't be up until tonight.
When everything will be set up, you'll just need to check http://LegendsofTheErmine.SixtyFive.IllusionFXNet.com.
Nice seeing that you are interested.
In my case, I noticed that a mesh edited by the Project Magma group in Myth II 1.5 was conflicting with the correspunding one in my conversion (actually Legends of The Ermine (b6r3), which worked fine under Myth II 1.4 or newer.
Talking about "Twice Born" if you care.
I noticed that a couple persons visited my site yesterday to download Legends of The Ermine (b7).
Unluckily, I'm currently migrating my site to a better host, and softwares won't be up until tonight.
When everything will be set up, you'll just need to check http://LegendsofTheErmine.SixtyFive.IllusionFXNet.com.
Nice seeing that you are interested.