Not sure if theres any way of putting my honest thoughts here without offending anyone so fuck it.
It's got soooo many annoying things in it, rather than go into a long rant I'll just list my grievances which IMO make this by far the worst in the Mazz series
1. Ur-Vile unit -
How did this ever get through testing? No health bar + goddamn impossible to see on any relatively dim monitors make this a horrible addition (my screen is max brightness and I never saw it while it killed my PF from full health)
2. The weird eye unit -
A unit that has massive health (far more than Trow, stones multiple units and also floats on impassable terrain make it *cough* retarded.
Actually I'll kinda stop there with the new enemy units, none of them add to the fun of Mazz and seriously make me never want to play it again.
On the plus side, the new Mazz specials are nice although having Mazz totally unvetted with the special defense thingy sucks balls.
Every enemy unit has its strengths and weaknesses. ur-Viles are among the least dangerous of the "boss" enemies if you know how to deal with them too.
Beholders do have excellent all around defensive and offensive capabilites, but there are relatively easy ways to deal with them too.
Mazzarin doesn't get devetted by using Aura of Defense; he just attacks slower while using it unless he's really vetted up. It's the trade off for being nearly invulnerable.
And no offense taken, Baron; your honesty is appreciated. I hope likewise you won't take offense by my saying that the whole idea behind new monsters is having new tactics to fight them, and you just haven't learned them yet. As stated in the read-me, the easier difficulties should be played first while you're still a nOOb to all the new stuff. Anyway, I hope you give it another chance.
Okay few things that are wrong, been wrong in previous versions but I miss a lot of things when looking back. Heron Guard flavor says a score or something of warriors. I don't see one warrior in the plugin, can say that means the heron guards but there has never been 20 heron guard. Sure some could've died i guess. Fir'bolg live in the ermine. mazzarin lived in the eastern area place... Did he even go over the cloudspine mountain thingys? Why would the fir'bolg help him arent they like at war with humans? Perhaps he did a favor to them like wipe out the bre'unor, but they are spotted in myth 2 so it couldn't be that. Perhaps he forced them to come fight for him, that could explain the heron guard losses, but then why would they help him so loyally? In TFL Forest Giants always seem to appear in 3s yet I only see one, they should be more numerous expecially since they haven't held back balors fury yet. So what is the reasoning for the new enemy units? Watchers special creations for this one battle? He lives on, would think that his special creatures would too... Perhaps he keeps them to protect himself? but then why werent any creatures near him to keep him from being stoned in tfl? The strongest units protecting him were his two shades. Cormorant and Mazzarin died trying to protect him. Did he start making shades instead of the other creatures after he saw Mazzarins power? Just out of curiousity were the calliech dead long before mazz existed? Because they would be fun to play as
Subzero wrote:Okay few things that are wrong, been wrong in previous versions but I miss a lot of things when looking back. Heron Guard flavor says a score or something of warriors. I don't see one warrior in the plugin, can say that means the heron guards but there has never been 20 heron guard. Sure some could've died i guess. Fir'bolg live in the ermine. mazzarin lived in the eastern area place... Did he even go over the cloudspine mountain thingys? Why would the fir'bolg help him arent they like at war with humans? Perhaps he did a favor to them like wipe out the bre'unor, but they are spotted in myth 2 so it couldn't be that. Perhaps he forced them to come fight for him, that could explain the heron guard losses, but then why would they help him so loyally? In TFL Forest Giants always seem to appear in 3s yet I only see one, they should be more numerous expecially since they haven't held back balors fury yet. So what is the reasoning for the new enemy units? Watchers special creations for this one battle? He lives on, would think that his special creatures would too... Perhaps he keeps them to protect himself? but then why werent any creatures near him to keep him from being stoned in tfl? The strongest units protecting him were his two shades. Cormorant and Mazzarin died trying to protect him. Did he start making shades instead of the other creatures after he saw Mazzarins power? Just out of curiousity were the calliech dead long before mazz existed? Because they would be fun to play as
LOL. Quite possibly the most ignorant post I've read in a while.
Ah well, whatever, I've grown tired of trying to explain Myth history to people.
Brainbug wrote:Chris, what is the reason the mort can't pick up his dud splash shells? while the zerks can carry them back to him...
Mort can pick them up. They can be a bit tricky though. Try selecting a bit away from the mortar shell. About two shell diameters from it. Same technique for zerks to pick them up. Has to do with the way the projectile is modeled with the flame (Im guessing).
Baron LeDant wrote:1. Ur-Vile unit -
How did this ever get through testing? No health bar + goddamn impossible to see on any relatively dim monitors make this a horrible addition (my screen is max brightness and I never saw it while it killed my PF from full health)
2. The weird eye unit -
A unit that has massive health (far more than Trow, stones multiple units and also floats on impassable terrain make it *cough* retarded.
Mahir's don't have health bars...In fact, aside from their distance attack, the Ur-Vile is a mahir. So blame bungie if you think that sucks
As for did you spell Ur-Vile right but not recall the name of Beholder! Madness! But yeah...they can be annoying, but it does offer a nice overall challenge to the game.
Brainbug wrote:Chris, what is the reason the mort can't pick up his dud splash shells? while the zerks can carry them back to him...
Mort can pick them up. They can be a bit tricky though. Try selecting a bit away from the mortar shell. About two shell diameters from it. Same technique for zerks to pick them up. Has to do with the way the projectile is modeled with the flame (Im guessing).
no, i clicked correctly, the green selection box appeared, the duff stood above it and started shaking as if he would pick it up, but he didn't...
Brainbug wrote:Chris, what is the reason the mort can't pick up his dud splash shells? while the zerks can carry them back to him...
Mort can pick them up. They can be a bit tricky though. Try selecting a bit away from the mortar shell. About two shell diameters from it. Same technique for zerks to pick them up. Has to do with the way the projectile is modeled with the flame (Im guessing).
no, i clicked correctly, the green selection box appeared, the duff stood above it and started shaking as if he would pick it up, but he didn't...
Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome. (AKA splash shell shock)
MB his pockets were full. Don't judge him too harshly. After all, you try toting a flaming cannonball in yer pants. Or a dozen!
the vile things are not mahir with a ranged attack. They are larger for one, and two they do tend to take a lot more damage which I think warrents them a health bar.