While working on some scripting I encountered a problem that would make my level crash the game. I solved it but thought of making a post where all the known factors for a bad script to crash the game or at least the level.
My only example is having a OBMO (Observer Movement) that was "Initially Active" to have the "Angular Interpolant Separation" value of 0. I was trying to plave a value smaller than 1 but not 0. I didn't notice it made the value to a 0, until I came back to it looking for the reason why it crashed the game.
What other factors do any of you know that crash the game/level script-wise?
Bad Scripting That Crash Myth - What factors do you know of?
Scripts can crash for all different reasons. I'm currently trying to figure out why one of my GEOM actions won't play nice on OS X even though it all looks fine, I might even just throw the broken level into the testers forum and see if it is just me or not.
On that note, having too many simulataneously running GEOMs is frequently not a good idea, 6 is about the limit on GEOMs set to never end, however you can get around that by putting in a delay, at the cost of responsiveness (though GEOMs aren't very responsive if they crashed your map so it's a good trade-off
On that note, having too many simulataneously running GEOMs is frequently not a good idea, 6 is about the limit on GEOMs set to never end, however you can get around that by putting in a delay, at the cost of responsiveness (though GEOMs aren't very responsive if they crashed your map so it's a good trade-off

Yes, I know there are many different scripts that can crash, but the point of the thread is to have at least some of the known ones listed... Remember not everybody knows about them. Like what you said Haravikk about 6 GEOM that Never expire limit. I didn't know that. What other things do you know of people? This is to have a collective source of information about scripting that can crash the game or level. Including limits of scripting.