I have a feeling it might happen sometime, Blades could take inspiration from you guys. TFL won't attract much interest though to be honest, a release in demo format for the 2007 anniversary celebrations would be cool though - some guys are sure to search sites for Myth if games sites advertise the birthday and we need to get em playing again.Doobie wrote:the tfl and m3 demos can be updated, magma has only updated the m2 demo cause that's where our primary interest lies, perhaps flyingflip will update the m3 demo, that's their call.
Any interest infact, beyond the high price they'd charge for us to buy itIn the unlikely scenario that take2 re-released any of the games, it's highly unlikely they would choose to use the latest builds as they haven't undergone the detailed testing phase that any big company has to go through. I've heard this would cost upwards of $50 000 usd, and t2 doesn't seem to have that much interest in the series.

Considering how buggy Myth III's Gold release was, you sure about that Doobie?
I think we established they're not too morale. And when Blades got his hands on Myth source code he legally gave them permission to use whatever he (or people he gave permission to) created. They won't be reshipped I imagine.Lugas wrote:I think Take2 shipping it with the latest builds is unlikely. Plus the only moral thing to do would be to ask Magma/FlyingFlip if the latest patches were included.
Myth II was always multiformat. I believe TFL is the same too. The only issue now would be the fact that Myth would not run native if you were running it on v1.3 (the last Bungie patch).Although, if Take2 decided to approve of the latest builds, they would make more money out of TFL/SB because the Mac build won't work on Windows and vice versa. This was already the case for TWA.
Stop fantasising. It won't happen.If Take2 decided to re-release them (which is very unlikely, unless we all went to their Office and asked them politely), I would like that. Because it would attract new members to the Myth community. Asking MythDev first (provided they decided to use the latest builds) would be nice.
Well they had no obligation to give us a Myth III at all. Look at it that way, they ruined Myth III and they screwed MJ but Myth was not crippled really I woulda said.Also, T2 have crippled Myth. Myth III was doomed before it was finished, because it was doomed when it was released because it was unfinished.
They care, they really care. I'm sure.Thanks a lot , T2.
Your posts are all so naive Lugas. In time you'll learn how these things work. Real time, real money, real bad people real good people etc.