Last patch is Flyingflips 1.3.1, I'm pretty sure its playmyth only.
Magma has 1.2 but I have no idea if it works on marius or not. I don't really know the main differences between the two versions except maybe the ability to draw on the map with the flyingflip patch.
In my opinion it isn't worth bothering with, there's no real M3 players anymore just a dozen odd people who might get on it if harassed endlessly. If you want to play it, then its probably best to hassle a few friends over a forum and sort out a time between you.
I grabbed the 1.3.1 update and all the plugins for it that they had..... and I made it as far as the multiplayer screen with all of the options on it and I quit out of it and am right now uninstalling it.
There is nothing in M3 or any of the other myth updates that keeps them from working with any myth server that supports crypto. Now just like in the olden days one needs to make the plugins for each game to support a certain metaserver. M2 currently ships with support for and I don't recall what shipped in TFL 1.5. One just has made a patch for m3, to the best of my knowledge there isn't anything stopping them(other then lack of m3 players).
Tireces wrote:Wikipedia says that supports M3... rly ?
You can't trust Wikipedia all the time. Anyone can edit it; for example, I could say that M2 supported PlayMyth since 1998. Relying on Wikipedia can cost you severely. That being said, generally, people on the internet don't care (or even know) about Myth.