Pertinent details-
Radeon X850 w/256 megs ram
2 gigs system ram
Before I begin, I did some searching on this subject before starting this thread; however, none of the related topics I saw seemed to have a solution, so I'm hoping that this one will get a definitive/authoritative answer.
TFL 1.5 won't run on my XP box due to a 'not enough free memory' error on a system with 2 gigs of ram. I was able to run 1.3/1.4 many months ago with with no problem before I added the extra gig. I just removed and reinstalled Myth and 1.5 while typing this, and the game launched fine after I installed it. When I closed and relaunched, however, it went back to the same error. Can anybody help? Also, what does the community think about OpenGL vs Glide/OpenGlide graphics? Thanks.
Have you tried Eddaweaver's suggestion? It seems weird that you managed to run 1.3 with 1 gig of ram and not 1.5, since 1.5 "supposedly" fixed that problem, which happened in 1.3.
Have you tried a clean install then patching directly to 1.5? Trying that never hurts...
This is in response to eddaweaver's post about editing msconfig.exe. I don't trust Windows enough to screw enough around with the basic variables and would prefer to create a virtual environment separate from the actual OS parameters.
nascent wrote:This is in response to eddaweaver's post about editing msconfig.exe. I don't trust Windows enough to screw enough around with the basic variables and would prefer to create a virtual environment separate from the actual OS parameters.
Heh, running in emulation would be grosser than messing with msconfig. But have you tried reinstalling?