firewall ambush

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Joined: Sun Jul 01, 2007 3:58 pm

firewall ambush

Post by phordicus »

at my old apt, i could never host even with no firewalls set up or running (router, windows, zonealarm).

i moved ~2 months ago, got a new router, and opened port 3453 and everything was fine; i was proud to be a host again.

then suddenly, this past thursday, i began lagging horribly and get disco'd 3 out of the 4 games i tried to play (someone else's host). then i discovered that no one could join my host....

no router settings were changed yet at sites like "whatsmyip" they get a timeout checking port 3453.

i do not even know where to start to try and fix this. the wretched lag has diminished for the most part but i am still unable to host. any help?
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