Here are the ones I have so far
Mandrake Roots (Simply heals yourself)
Boots of speed(Lets you walk around faster)
Timestop crystal(Stuns most if not all enemies/friends around)
Wow..a Boba Fett Dorf. I still say the best dorf ever made was the snowball throwing dorfs from Idiot Christmas. I think there was a pumpkin thrower in a plug as well.jetpacks.
Sounds like you might be thinking of the Very Idiot Halloween map, which features dorfs that throw _flaming_ pumpkins at each other.Dio wrote:Wow..a Boba Fett Dorf. I still say the best dorf ever made was the snowball throwing dorfs from Idiot Christmas. I think there was a pumpkin thrower in a plug as well.jetpacks.
my understanding is that it's WAY easier to make things for M2 than for M1.Dio wrote:As far as being creative...I know nothing about changing units and their boundries. I thought making a TFL plug was easier than an M2 plug.
I can't imagine what anyone could say that would convince me that hex-editing is easier than using M2 tools. But that's just me, I no longer think in base 16.Dio wrote:TFL was just basically scripting..changing numbers and letters..I have tried making M2 maps..and I just get things screwed up. It may be easier for some ppl. My problem has always been that simple things tend to screw me up. Similiar to a noob chess player, they have a better shot at beating me than an experienced player.