Tireces wrote:Vinyl, sry but I have already reserved "Myth VI" and 'VII" for The Nine's future plugins ( first coming around 2017, 2nd only few years later ) so you can have "Myth VIII" and "Myth IX";)
heh. you "reserved" them? With who? Bungie? Take2? Let's see who finishes "myth 4" first, you or me.
perenold, you are kidding....
I had that name reserved long time ago!!!
you cheater, liar, thief!!! hahahahaha
but I'll let you use it, if you finish before me!!!! hahaha
You've made an assertion, that's a good start. But where's your evidence? Back yourself up, man! There are errors? Where? Point them out and save us all some time, and maybe provide that education you want us to go get.
Plus, you'll make people more certain that you know what you're talking about, as opposed to less.
If Renwood's posts are any indication of what this project is going to wind up like, then I have absolutely zero faith in it.
But I like being proven wrong!
Okay I got the models but now I'm too dumb to do anything with 'em
I just finished the Myth IV alpha. Enclosed below is the full source, which will run on any computer with Python 2.2 or later inside the 2.x range (probably earlier versions too).
from random import randint
quit_game = False
while not quit_game:
selection = input("Ghol (1), Dwarf (2), or Bowman (3)? ")
result = randint(1,3)
if result == 1:
print "You win!"
elif result == 2:
print "Tie!"
print "Casualties! You lose!"
if not "y" in raw_input("Play again? (y/n): ").lower():
quit_game = True
print "Thanks for playing Myth IV!"
Future enhancements will include win/loss messages based on your selection and networked play. Maybe we can even wrangle the ability to use Mariusnet as your metaserver.
Amadeus wrote:4+ years to produce a 'game', wait sorry no, a mod to a game?
Considering mod developers aren't on a salary, it sounds fair to me. Myth is a complicated game to map for. There have been single level mods (like Mazz) that took over a year to make, and the proposed project has a lot more than one level. But I might just be biased on this matter.
Then again, it sounds like some of these guys are on a salary.