Anybody know WHO made CBI (COOP Brothers Inc.)?
- iron
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Sorry, the "deriving amusement" bit is my own perception of what's happening - I shouldn't have implied that you implied itoogaBooga wrote:Wow.. way to take what i said which was a positive and somehow completely twist it around 180 degrees.iron wrote:
I'm also getting heartily sick of the toxic rants going on here lately. Ren, if (as ooga implies) your rants are only "half serious" and you derive amusement from people's responses, well that strikes me as trollish behaviour.

Yes I've read those posts Ren, despite it being very painful wading through reams of, yes, ranting. Mb you start it, mb you don't - but you sure do carry on with it & somehow it always seems centered around you. I don't know you, all I can judge is by what I read and these threads just haven't been pleasant.
If someone attacks you personally, and I say this to everyone here, please don't keep responding and turning it into a flamefest. All it will do is kill this forum. Go 1v1 on mnet mb, or post in private messages - just keep it off the main forum. Keep this place positive and civil and it'll continue to be a great resource for the Myth community.
Its a game, and should be about having fun, making friends and blowing their armies into quivering red giblets.
V i think the cbi fix is a great thing... and if people have already downloaded and have a band width problem then make a patch available on the various other sites that host it... its a fun plug but sorting through the names sucked....
if a new version is made maybe it could be done grander and better with more levels but for now... its no biggy to download the new one... or patch the old one.. its an improvement so i see no reason to get in a fuss about it.... especially since the majority of people that downloaded it are long since gone from playing myth...
if a new version is made maybe it could be done grander and better with more levels but for now... its no biggy to download the new one... or patch the old one.. its an improvement so i see no reason to get in a fuss about it.... especially since the majority of people that downloaded it are long since gone from playing myth...
if one does not learn from the failings of the past they are likely to suffer its return.
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NO Point a LOT of people still play CBI.
And this ISNT a "Great fix" its very simple...choose the TOP name for each is this a problem. like you just said maybe more levels should be added then it would warrent a new version.
it sucks when you dont have the right version being hosted of creep or lichen or any other map there are 2 of. and this isnt any kind of needed change to cbi. vr wants it for personal use and that makes the most sense.
LOTS of people have CBI dotn underestimate that point.
And this ISNT a "Great fix" its very simple...choose the TOP name for each is this a problem. like you just said maybe more levels should be added then it would warrent a new version.
it sucks when you dont have the right version being hosted of creep or lichen or any other map there are 2 of. and this isnt any kind of needed change to cbi. vr wants it for personal use and that makes the most sense.
LOTS of people have CBI dotn underestimate that point.
Peach Out
In the spirit of just getting along, how about we just agree to disagree on whether this is a useful fix or not? I fixed something I find incredibly annoying and which I am sure you would agree the mapmakers would have fixed IF they had finished their map (it is called BETA remember).Renwood TWA wrote: And this ISNT a "Great fix" its very simple...choose the TOP name for each is this a problem.
it sucks when you dont have the right version being hosted of creep or lichen or any other map there are 2 of. and this isnt any kind of needed change to cbi. vr wants it for personal use and that makes the most sense.
If YOU don't like the fix I made, then don't use it. I am not going to try to convince anyone to use the .001 version instead of the original beta, how about you stop hating and stop trying to convince people NOT to use it?
In these wonderfully modern days of Myth II where we can have several GB of maps and plugins in our plugins folders, IF you want to use the .001 version, there's NO NEED TO DELETE THE ORIGINAL CBI.beta from your plugins folder.
See? It's as simple as clicking on the 1st duplicate map name in the original CBI.beta level selection list - Just keep both versions in your plugin folder and you'll always be prepared for a game of CBI, no matter who hosts it. Isn't that simple?
ps. Just because something is "little" or "simple" doesn't mean it isn't great or useful. Similarly, just because something is huge or complicated doesn't mean it is good.
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- iron
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Rubba hasn't been active for a long long time, and I think he'd be quite surprised to discover that CBI was so popular. There's been plenty of instances where new versions of plugins are released with minor (but key) enhancements, especially for maps used in tourneys. I really don't see the harm in doing it, and its certainly not worth a big argument. If I knew how to contact Rubba I'd ask him, but unfortunately I lost his email addy long ago.
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I've PMed him on these forums...worth a tryiron wrote:Rubba hasn't been active for a long long time, and I think he'd be quite surprised to discover that CBI was so popular. There's been plenty of instances where new versions of plugins are released with minor (but key) enhancements, especially for maps used in tourneys. I really don't see the harm in doing it, and its certainly not worth a big argument. If I knew how to contact Rubba I'd ask him, but unfortunately I lost his email addy long ago.
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oogaBooga wrote:iron wrote:
That aside, I think its safe to assume nobody is being amused by the threads except cynical assholes (not directed towards anyone in particular).
I, for one, am amused. However, I'm probably also a cynical asshole.
But more seriously, doesn't something as simple as level names not cause an OOS error or incompatibility? And even if it does, VR's solution of having both plugins in your folder seems to solve that issue.
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Ren please stop the hating. Please stop the complaining. Please stop the whining. Even if you WERE god emperor of the Myth universe and got to decide whether anyone else could modify things and release them or not (newsflash: you're not and you don't) - even if you were - you say the change I made is such a non-crucial-issue, then WHY are you so threatened by it? Are you afraid only half the alleged 2000 people who have downloaded CBI will download .001 and then there will be chaos and pandemonium in the community as the entire community (@500 people tops) splits over the issue of which CBI.beta is the 'correct' one? Seriously, think about it for a moment, why on earth would anyone even bother to download .001? The only reasons I can think anyone would do so, would be either because :Renwood TWA wrote:Thats just it..there is no issue. and no need for 2 PUBLIC versions, for such a simple change.
a) Someone else finds duplicate map names confusing/annoying, or
b) Someone might get curious about .001 because of all the controversy you have tried to stir up about this topic.
I described a perfectly logical, reasonable, and simple solution to address your concerns about people having the 'wrong' CBI - so that people will always be able to joi a CBI game regardless of which one the host is using. In case you missed it - the solution is KEEP BOTH CBI PLUGINS IN YOUR PLUGIN FOLDER. You are guaranteed never to be out of CBI-sync. If you are going to continue to rant and rave about this issue, please at LEAST address why you think this solution isn't adequate - it IS at LEAST as simple as your solution to picking the right duplicate map name.
PLEASE Let it go. Stop trying to turn a minor modification I made to a mapset into a flame war, stop trying to 'win' - there's nothing to 'win' here - you have your opinion and I have mine. I am perfectly content to let you play your uncompleted beta version of CBI in all it's duplicate map name glory, all I ask is that you extend the same courtesy to me and let me play my slightly modified beta version of CBI as I enjoy choosing which CBI level I want to play by reading the handy 'CBI' prefixed map names.
Is that REALLY too much to ask? Why are you trying to divide the community over this insignificant change? Stop it, you are being a divider and a hater. You SAY you want the community to rally around YOU and your project but then you go out of your way to create controversy and dischord over a tiny unimportant thing (as you describe it).
Seriously, dude - what's up with that? Why are you obsessing over this?
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Sometimes I put hard to find stuff in my my Udogs folder.
Sometimes I put hard to find stuff in my my Udogs folder.
- Posts: 406
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G fuck!
Go write a poem or something!
A) Renwood dont think there is any need to have 2 versions(SO FUCKING WHAT)
B)Vinylrake gets irretated coz of something small in a plug and whants to fix it ( SO FUCKING WHAT)
10 points to the both of you! (SO FUCKING WHAT)
You 2 will never see eye to eye ,end of storry.
Go write a poem or something!
A) Renwood dont think there is any need to have 2 versions(SO FUCKING WHAT)
B)Vinylrake gets irretated coz of something small in a plug and whants to fix it ( SO FUCKING WHAT)
10 points to the both of you! (SO FUCKING WHAT)
You 2 will never see eye to eye ,end of storry.