Best summation of the conversation so far.Souly wrote:G fuck!
Go write a poem or something!
A) Renwood dont think there is any need to have 2 versions(SO FUCKING WHAT)
B)Vinylrake gets irretated coz of something small in a plug and whants to fix it ( SO FUCKING WHAT)
10 points to the both of you! (SO FUCKING WHAT)
You 2 will never see eye to eye ,end of storry.
Anybody know WHO made CBI (COOP Brothers Inc.)?
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Sometimes I put hard to find stuff in my my Udogs folder.
THAT's ALL you have to say to a post in which I asked you to stop the hating and criticism and explain why you have a problem with my .001 mod?Renwood TWA wrote:Some people out there STILL dont get that you are a hatefull young spoiled child VR. Keep it up they might catch on.
I rest my case.
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Sometimes I put hard to find stuff in my my Udogs folder.
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Vinyl's venemous post is not warranted by ren's one sentence devoid of insults.vinylrake wrote:Ren please stop the hating. Please stop the complaining. Please stop the whining. Even if you WERE god emperor of the Myth universe and got to decide whether anyone else could modify things and release them or not (newsflash: you're not and you don't) - even if you were - you say the change I made is such a non-crucial-issue, then WHY are you so threatened by it? Are you afraid only half the alleged 2000 people who have downloaded CBI will download .001 and then there will be chaos and pandemonium in the community as the entire community (@500 people tops) splits over the issue of which CBI.beta is the 'correct' one? Seriously, think about it for a moment, why on earth would anyone even bother to download .001? The only reasons I can think anyone would do so, would be either because :Renwood TWA wrote:Thats just it..there is no issue. and no need for 2 PUBLIC versions, for such a simple change.
a) Someone else finds duplicate map names confusing/annoying, or
b) Someone might get curious about .001 because of all the controversy you have tried to stir up about this topic.
I described a perfectly logical, reasonable, and simple solution to address your concerns about people having the 'wrong' CBI - so that people will always be able to joi a CBI game regardless of which one the host is using. In case you missed it - the solution is KEEP BOTH CBI PLUGINS IN YOUR PLUGIN FOLDER. You are guaranteed never to be out of CBI-sync. If you are going to continue to rant and rave about this issue, please at LEAST address why you think this solution isn't adequate - it IS at LEAST as simple as your solution to picking the right duplicate map name.
PLEASE Let it go. Stop trying to turn a minor modification I made to a mapset into a flame war, stop trying to 'win' - there's nothing to 'win' here - you have your opinion and I have mine. I am perfectly content to let you play your uncompleted beta version of CBI in all it's duplicate map name glory, all I ask is that you extend the same courtesy to me and let me play my slightly modified beta version of CBI as I enjoy choosing which CBI level I want to play by reading the handy 'CBI' prefixed map names.
Is that REALLY too much to ask? Why are you trying to divide the community over this insignificant change? Stop it, you are being a divider and a hater. You SAY you want the community to rally around YOU and your project but then you go out of your way to create controversy and dischord over a tiny unimportant thing (as you describe it).
Seriously, dude - what's up with that? Why are you obsessing over this?

:DDeath's Avatar wrote:I, for one, think Oroboros is handily "out of line" on this one!
There was a time (back in the MNet Forum heydays) when I was a major pyrophile - Show me a knuckle-dragging 'id'-iot suffering from a dickwadonoma, and I'll show you a chain of trolling flamewars even Peter Jackson couldn't shoot. Woof was also a fellow Flame Warrior... But I was more the Kung Fu Master, while he tended to be Evil Clown. These days, I'm more an Archivist. (Since then, many new Flame Warrior categories have been added. Mike Reed's Flame Warriors site is here, but the earlier link better presents his work IMO.)
These days, the black art of trolling has diminished. Still, Vinyl holds some promise in being able to keep the Black Torch alive. He could have sewn up this delightful exchange quite decisively 3 posts back, but... he hung in too tight and let the opportunity squeeze through his fingers.
4.5 out of 6 from the New Zealand judge.
"Harden The Fuck Up." - Dalai Lama, 1990
Ooga -
"venemous"? I don't think that word mean what you think it means. I think you might be a little too close to the topic to look at it objectively. Was I being sarcastic? Yes. Was I using Ren's own style of writing to make him look silly? Yes, but no more so then his own words do. But I don't think I was being venemous.
btw. Mike Reed is a grade A asshole. He tried to destroy a list I used to participate on a few years ago by baiting everyone into flamewars. He did his best over the course of several weeks pretending to be (at least) two different people (each with different email accounts, neither of them associated with his REAL name), but I sniffed him out as a troll very early on (I have a fairly well tuned BS detector) and with the help of some poking around online a couple of us figured out who he really was, so we told the list privately who he was, what he was doing and gave them links of his previous exploits, so then we all just played dumb and strung him along for weeks. He kept getting more and more frustrated that no one was falling into his flame bait so kept trying harder and harder to offend people and piss people off by punching their hot buttons and saying more and more offensive things and we all just pretended we were slow and we didn't take offense at his attempts to flame. Nothing he said offended us, and it drove him crazy.
It was a beauteous thing to see such a self-important egotistical antisocial ahole so completely pwned. Even more fun when we told him we had known who he was and what he was doing all along.
But back to your attempted insult, no, I am not a troll.
"venemous"? I don't think that word mean what you think it means. I think you might be a little too close to the topic to look at it objectively. Was I being sarcastic? Yes. Was I using Ren's own style of writing to make him look silly? Yes, but no more so then his own words do. But I don't think I was being venemous.
Trolling? I eat trolls for breakfast.Oroboros wrote: These days, the black art of trolling has diminished. Still, Vinyl holds some promise in being able to keep the Black Torch alive. He could have sewn up this delightful exchange quite decisively 3 posts back, but... he hung in too tight and let the opportunity squeeze through his fingers.
4.5 out of 6 from the New Zealand judge.
btw. Mike Reed is a grade A asshole. He tried to destroy a list I used to participate on a few years ago by baiting everyone into flamewars. He did his best over the course of several weeks pretending to be (at least) two different people (each with different email accounts, neither of them associated with his REAL name), but I sniffed him out as a troll very early on (I have a fairly well tuned BS detector) and with the help of some poking around online a couple of us figured out who he really was, so we told the list privately who he was, what he was doing and gave them links of his previous exploits, so then we all just played dumb and strung him along for weeks. He kept getting more and more frustrated that no one was falling into his flame bait so kept trying harder and harder to offend people and piss people off by punching their hot buttons and saying more and more offensive things and we all just pretended we were slow and we didn't take offense at his attempts to flame. Nothing he said offended us, and it drove him crazy.
It was a beauteous thing to see such a self-important egotistical antisocial ahole so completely pwned. Even more fun when we told him we had known who he was and what he was doing all along.
But back to your attempted insult, no, I am not a troll.
Last edited by vinylrake on Fri May 02, 2008 5:16 am, edited 1 time in total.
Lots of Myth stuff at
Sometimes I put hard to find stuff in my my Udogs folder.
Sometimes I put hard to find stuff in my my Udogs folder.
Nice try, but I think Ooga would really appreciate you not confusing him with me. You done this in the Myth IV thread too. Lord knows Ooga deserves better :)vinylrake wrote:Trolling? I eat trolls for breakfast. And "venemous"? I don't think that word mean what you think it means.[...]
"Harden The Fuck Up." - Dalai Lama, 1990
Sorry for the misattribution. Late nights and too many names with too many 'o's confuses me.Oroboros wrote:Nice try, but I think Ooga would really appreciate you not confusing him with me. You done this in the Myth IV thread too. Lord knows Ooga deserves bettervinylrake wrote:Trolling? I eat trolls for breakfast. And "venemous"? I don't think that word mean what you think it means.[...]
(I've edited the previous post so it clears up my ooga/oro confusion)
Lots of Myth stuff at
Sometimes I put hard to find stuff in my my Udogs folder.
Sometimes I put hard to find stuff in my my Udogs folder.
Wasnt an "attempted insult', it was a direct personal observation based on the bloated post you made (which based on the directly previous response from ren was unwarranted). So unless you just love brooding over posts that youve already replied to - what I said still stands.vinylrake wrote:Ooga -
"venemous"? I don't think that word mean what you think it means. I think you might be a little too close to the topic to look at it objectively. Was I being sarcastic? Yes. Was I using Ren's own style of writing to make him look silly? Yes, but no more so then his own words do. But I don't think I was being venemous.
Trolling? I eat trolls for breakfast.Oroboros wrote: These days, the black art of trolling has diminished. Still, Vinyl holds some promise in being able to keep the Black Torch alive. He could have sewn up this delightful exchange quite decisively 3 posts back, but... he hung in too tight and let the opportunity squeeze through his fingers.
4.5 out of 6 from the New Zealand judge.
btw. Mike Reed is a grade A asshole. He tried to destroy a list I used to participate on a few years ago by baiting everyone into flamewars. He did his best over the course of several weeks pretending to be (at least) two different people (each with different email accounts, neither of them associated with his REAL name), but I sniffed him out as a troll very early on (I have a fairly well tuned BS detector) and with the help of some poking around online a couple of us figured out who he really was, so we told the list privately who he was, what he was doing and gave them links of his previous exploits, so then we all just played dumb and strung him along for weeks. He kept getting more and more frustrated that no one was falling into his flame bait so kept trying harder and harder to offend people and piss people off by punching their hot buttons and saying more and more offensive things and we all just pretended we were slow and we didn't take offense at his attempts to flame. Nothing he said offended us, and it drove him crazy.
It was a beauteous thing to see such a self-important egotistical antisocial ahole so completely pwned. Even more fun when we told him we had known who he was and what he was doing all along.
But back to your attempted insult, no, I am not a troll.

Wasn't for applause, just wasting my time trying to explain how much and why I dislike the phenom of trolls. And in case you missed it, I didn't say or claim that _I_ _won_ anything with m.Reed, the email list acting collectively defeated a Troll.oogaBooga wrote:BTW who the fuck cares about your flame war exploits? I could give two shits about mike reed and your lambasting of his ego on the internet.
Good job you won an arguement on the net - round of applause.
fyi: I could have responded to Ren's post in one sentence or not even responded, but the excessively long post you refer to as trollish was meant as _humor_. I was aping the style of the kind of post where a person goes on excessively long over the top rants at the tiniest perceived provocation. Actually I think there's a certain amount of humor to be found in the observation that you interpreted my imitative post as being trollish, but don't see that in the posts I was mimicking.
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Sometimes I put hard to find stuff in my my Udogs folder.