You make me sick!Graydon wrote:I'd be interested to see a shot from the rear.

Yeah excellent work. I can't think of anything else to say.
Hmm, really? I been doing some digging and I can't seem to find any such examples. Maybe I haven't looked hard enough, but then again you have like 130+ posts so it takes long to look. I did however find these other examples...Renwood TWA wrote:Nice gray...real nice.
You ever notice i DONT START it gray? nope? didnt think so.
Basically in this thread, someone was talking about a hypothetical Myth 4, and people from the TWA group thought he was insulting their TWA project. He wasn't. They only thought this because someone by the same or similar name was on Mnet some other night insulting their work. DA made a joke about how people are going to reply in that thread. VR jokingly poked fun at the name of the TWA project being called "Myth 4". Ren didn't like that and said the following.Renwood TWA wrote:...We (TWA) Dev team members dont really stop by magma forums anymore beacuse its seems to be filled with 90% smart asses who are big critics of things they know little or nothing about. The only people who seem to be worth talking to on the forums here are Carlinho and A-Red and the Project Magma Dev team members...
Many more insults (worse and worse) follow in this very thread. The insults died down and stopped somewhere in page 5.Renwood TWA wrote:Please dont sit there and insult us, then try to not look like a dick by saying "Gee i really cant wait to play it though" that goes for VR and DA.
your like childern throwing stones at a giant crying that he doent notice you exist.
VR and DA get the fuck off the forums and get on Mnet so i can tear you to bits in game you dirty birds you!
Ren and VR agrue for the better part of the 4 pages of that thread with special guest appearances from ooga, DA, Souly, and even Iron. A few other extras were there too.Renwood TWA wrote:so at least around 2,000 people or so have CBI to give you an idea of just how many would need to DL a new version just because the duplicate names bugged you. one thing is for sure you have no right to rerelease a different version IF it will not be compatible with the old one, just based on personal perferrence for a menu display.
Renwood TWA wrote:VR you are a moron.
do you even know how to turn on a computer, or just leave it on 24-7-365?
I then reply saying I didn't make it up and explain it some more. VR says the following:Renwood TWA wrote:Pyro, i dont think if satchles hit the ground it will alter them in any way or reset them somehow. But then again i havent looked for this in fear.
For which Ren says:vinylrake wrote:heh. Ren, with all the %s and specific details Pyro gave I find it boggling that you would say that you haven't looked up the info but you think he's wrong. Did you really think he just made those numbers up?
VR and Ren argue for a bit. On the 2nd page I provide more stats and even a test plugin to prove what I said. No one actually adds anything on the topic of sats until page 3 where ooga says that what he was going to say is "pretty much concurrant" with what I said. DA and ooga joined the arguing a bit in that thread as well.Renwood TWA wrote:I really thought your a dork VR and will dissagree with anything i say.
Sorry VR BUT Ive just blown up A FEW more satchles then pyro in my myth playing/creating for the last 11 years and only questioned IF satchles hitting the ground reset them, not his other info.
And now that i think about it the ground WONT reset them, because ive seen flaming stachles fly through the air and hit the ground, and if this reset (changed odds) them in some way they WOULDNT be on fire still after hitting the ground.
So VR put that flaming satchle in your pipe and smoke it!
Ren also says a lot of other things including his own opinions about the whole thing. VR didn't take what Ren said well. VR says among other things the following:Renwood TWA wrote:Dont take this the wrong way claim to be into programming and game industry stuff, but you ALLWAYS miss out on the FACT that the myth III project WAS DONE!
Yes thats right...its called DEADLINES. mumbo jumbo said they would make their myth 3 design dock in an 11 month development cycle, so the game would be ready to ship for the holliday season. (last i heard this was 80-90% of the total video games sales for the year. ...
To which Ren replies:vinylrake wrote:'Claim' to be into programming? Screw you Ren, my little finger has more programming knowledge than you will know in your entire lifetime. Every time you open your mouth about anything programming related or what is "possible" to do in Myth you drive that point home with a vengeance. ...
Renwood TWA wrote:WOW VR way to show your a total pussy bitch ass cunt faced 12 year old CS player.
Next time i see you in marius ill be sure to give you a bunch of shit for being one of the WORST myth players i have ever seen, AND being a total fuckwit.
I wasnt being mean or rude to you in any way...and this is your response. Nice VR... Real Nice
A few more insult Ren and not much arguing happens after that.Renwood TWA wrote:O yea and you think deadlines are imagineary?
OMG VR you are SUCH a child and you understnad NOTHING about programming.
you fucking childish fuck, please burn in hell soon!
And Ren jokingly says:vinylrake wrote:... I for example play Solo/coop maps a _lot_, but rarely on mariusnet because I often don't have the time to commit to finishing a level in one sitting... I need to save the game and resume it on another day, which is hard to do when you are playing with other people.
Which VR didn't like, and tells Ren he is wrong. The thread died before it could start a flame war between them.Renwood TWA wrote:Trust me VR, you HAVE the time. You just choose to spend it reading/making forums posts instead of playing with other people online maybe? ~8^)
VR tries to explain the logic behind that in a way so that Ren doesn't feel insulted by him. Giz on the other hand says:Renwood TWA wrote:From what i understand we ALL have the myth 3 3d models, because they are contained on the myth 3 CD.
You might need some kind of extractor to get at them..i dunno i disliked myth 3 so i never looked into it much.
Iron or somebody else that knows CIK well, maybe contact him and ask im if hes still got the tfl or myth 2 models?
Ren isn't happy and replies to that, then Giz replies again saying:GizmoHB wrote:...what a pointless discussion once again ren,... here I am trying to provide information to make things clearer for people...
The arguing started in page 3 and died down in page 4. But then Ren gets upset in page 6, which inspired this post.GizmoHB wrote:Im a little tired of your nonsense remarks ren, it seems like you try to have a say in everything on this forum without really knowing what youre talking about... I was only trying to give people some info about who has which files, you know, sharing some knowledge, instead of being a smartass...
everybody can be a smartass, now that I think of it, we also all have the M2/TFL models, if we'd come up with a smart image analyzer that could calculate what the 3D model would look like based on the sprites and output that in a usable file format... its simply not what people were asking for now is it?!
oh and good for you you know the myth3 devs, good boy...