Bungie unit models

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William Wallet
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Post by William Wallet »

Cobalt 7 wrote:
- Get the original Unit Models out into the wild WHERE THEY CAN DO SOME GOOD. Who knows, maybe you could spiff them up with modern tools. The point is just let people use them.

- Get ANY OTHER data assets that would be useful towards the upkeep of the game that people DO NOT have access to right now. Whatever this stuff is, it's doing no good locked away. Anything is better than nothing.

Oh, and here's one last REASONABLE REQUEST.

GET CUTSCENES TO RUN ON INTEL MACS. IT'S NOT LIKE IT'S IMPOSSIBLE. I can already watch the footage using VLC, I'm just lacking sound. Same to Cutscenes.gor.
That's the only part of your post that even needed to be here.
As for the rest of it.... if you want to rant, can't you do it somewhere else? I posted this thread because I'm interested in the unit models....
It's bad enough that people nearly derailed things a page or two ago.
Okay I got the models but now I'm too dumb to do anything with 'em
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Post by Deqlyn »

^^^ Agreed. Ranting about a 10 year old game is not worth anyone's time. Im gonna call the help desk at take2, lol.
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Post by Pyro »

Cobalt 7 wrote:Oh, and here's one last REASONABLE REQUEST.

GET CUTSCENES TO RUN ON INTEL MACS. IT'S NOT LIKE IT'S IMPOSSIBLE. I can already watch the footage using VLC, I'm just lacking sound. Same to Cutscenes.gor.

Hell, making that available rather than just leaving a version of it hidden on the uDogs Hotline would be great too.
I guess you never saw this at the Tain. And what you said about playing them on Intel Macs... I think that is already in the 1.7 update that is coming.
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Post by Deqlyn »

Anybody try either of the 2 names listed here for possibly hunting down the models. I know it seems far off but who knows who they know.


for those of you at work....

Illustrated with a few pictures, Craig describes how he made this promotional piece of artwork based on the style and design of Frank Frazetta for the game Myth II by Bungie. Excellent Tutorial. To see a super high resolution JPG of this image click here. (2000x3000 pixels. 1MB)
Last edited by Deqlyn on Wed Sep 17, 2008 1:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by vinylrake »

more of Craig Mullin's artwork here and here.
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Post by Myrd »

Doesn't look like he would do 3D models.

Probably better luck contacting some of the other people credited in the games:

http://www.mobygames.com/game/windows/m ... ds/credits

http://www.mobygames.com/game/windows/m ... er/credits
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Post by GodzFire »

Keep the search alive.........
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Post by remedial »

This could be a good starting point. I tried running some of these names through LinkedIn.com (a networking site for creative pros) and found Mark Bernal - "Art Lead at Bungie Studios."


Under his responsibilities for Bungie Software it states that he "Created 3d models" and "animated 3d characters" among other things.

He also has a contact link on his business site:

I'm not sure if it would be too forward to approach this guy or others from that M2 credit reel. But who knows, even though those models were Bungie's property at the time, they may have let people working on the game take what they had created for their own portfolios etc. If only they wouldn't mind loaning them back....:wink:

I also searched Paul Clift and Mark Lehto, and their on LinkedIn.
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Post by remedial »

I was also going to say something about all the Japanese names given credit under "animation" but then I realized they must be for the cutscenes (not the model animations) which were outsourced to an anime-ish joint.
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William Wallet
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Post by William Wallet »

Nice find, man.

I'm not sure if I should stick with the kind of letter I've been sending so far, or not. Anyone got ideas?
Okay I got the models but now I'm too dumb to do anything with 'em
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Post by Deqlyn »

Dear Mr. Bob Jones,

I am John Doe, aka William Wallet, and I am a huge fan of you and the Bungie’s team work on the Myth series. You may not know this but there are over a 150 dedicated fan’s that still play Myth online at Marius.net even with PlayMyth no longer in existence.

The reason I sent this letter is because of your work in the possible development of the Myth player models. The Myth community is current looking for the original Myth:2 Soulblighter models so we can continue to renovate, update, and play this game as technology advances. At one point these models were released to a select few who have since lost contact or had HD crashes, rendering the models missing.

Any help you may provide finding and releasing these player models will be sincerely appreciated by all of the Myth Community. We are part of a legacy that was started by the Bungie team and is still being continued by your fans today. Again, any help in this matter is sincerely appreciated.


William Wallet – John Doe
Deqlyn – Matt J – fan/mapper

Onyx Warlords mappers
Pyro etc..etc….

You might add in there something about to date Myth has been updated X amount of times since it has gone opensource.

My 2cents and you can put my name on it if you wish.

Might I add those of you who feel strongly and are not capable of being respectful Ambassadors, please do not contact the folks on the list. I nominate William Wallet as Myth Gamers Spokesperson. If you piss one off it could be no models ever
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Post by vinylrake »

Deqlyn. Good first draft. I modified a couple of typos/changed some tenses from past to current , and removed some clutter(the playmyth reference ), so here's my 2nd draft of your letter.
feel free to ignore.

Dear Mr. Bob Jones,

I am John Doe, aka William Wallet, and I am a huge fan of you and the Bungie’s team work on the Myth series. You may not know this but there are hundreds of dedicated fans who still regularly play Myth online at the myth game server Mariusnet.com.

The reason I am sending this letter is because your name appears on a list of the Bungie development team who worked on Myth, and I am trying to locate someone who might have copies of or access to the original 3D models used to create the player and monster units in Myth 2: Soulblighter. The Myth community is currently looking for the original models so we can continue to renovate, update, and play this game as technology advances. At one point these models were released to a few developers in the myth community who who have since either fallen out of contact with the community or through hardware crashes have lost their copies, thus rendering the models missing.

Any help you can provide in finding and releasing these player models will be sincerely appreciated by all of the Myth Community. We are part of a legacy that was started by the Bungie team - a legacy that is still being appreciated and continued by your fans today. Again, any help in this matter is sincerely appreciated.


William Wallet – John Doe
Deqlyn – Matt J – fan/mapper

Onyx Warlords mappers
Pyro etc..etc….
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Post by Death's Avatar »

Deqlyn wrote: You might add in there something about to date Myth has been updated X amount of times since it has gone opensource.
It's not opensource, so don't say that :P

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Post by Deqlyn »

looks good. Yeah my tenses are always wrong, even my teachers in college told me so. I drift in and out of past and present all the time.

Good notice DA
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Post by sillek »

Tuncer, project leader of Mii runs insidemacgames.com
Maybe ask him if he still has contacts of any of those people or can help somehow ? He is pretty active on his site.
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