Technical Unit Question/Opinion

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Technical Unit Question/Opinion

Post by Deqlyn »

Pyro and I discussed this a bit last night wanted to know some thoughts. So in the map The Baron once you kill the Baron the Stygian Knights die. that being said does the baron have magical powers and did he create the stygs or can they be tied to any one person.

Reason I ask is, my map might have stygian knights that are tied to its power source. i.e. a shade or w/e. and if the Shade dies they should die because their bound to the magic of the shade who is dead so they cant keep themselves together. What do you think? It is somewhat opinionated but wasn't sure if there was anything from solid bungie text.

Any thoughts opinions would be great.
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Post by Myrd »

I think the Baron didn't have magical power on his own, but a spell was placed (by Soulblighter or one of his underlings) that let the Baron control the Stygian knights with his mind. Once dead, there is no one to control the Stygian knights.
Renwood TWA
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Post by Renwood TWA »

It says something in the styg flavor text about a piece of the casters being becoming infused into the styg to bring it to life.

If that would be the baron himself or somebody else made them for him i dunno.
Peach Out
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