The upcoming zombie apocolypse
I was referring to the surface area when I gave the example that using two buckets would allow you to collect twice as much water as using one. If I didn't understand this I probably would have said you could just use a bucket that was twice as big (deep).Arthim wrote:the amount you can collect is still limited by the amount of surface arial you have.
But we're all assuming the zombies are mindless, probably due to the mindlessness of typical movie zombies. What if they're not like movie zombies? What if they still possess at least basic intelligence? They could be more like the infected in 'I Am Legend.' Or they could be controlled by a malignant being, like some evil voodoo sorcerer out to destroy mankind for no apparent reason…
Is being a zombie really so bad, though? I mean, can they even feel pain? Do they have emotions? Or are they really just dead hunks of meat that happen to still be able to move around?
And what happens once they've consumed all of the living? Do they eat each other, or just kind of expire because their ultimate purpose is fulfilled?
If the zombie invasion hits, I'm afraid that no amount of hiding or guerilla fighting will help. You have to hit them at the source (a.k.a. kill the evil voodoo sorcerer). If it's a disease kind of thing and there is no central source, well, two words: Space Colony.
Is being a zombie really so bad, though? I mean, can they even feel pain? Do they have emotions? Or are they really just dead hunks of meat that happen to still be able to move around?
And what happens once they've consumed all of the living? Do they eat each other, or just kind of expire because their ultimate purpose is fulfilled?
If the zombie invasion hits, I'm afraid that no amount of hiding or guerilla fighting will help. You have to hit them at the source (a.k.a. kill the evil voodoo sorcerer). If it's a disease kind of thing and there is no central source, well, two words: Space Colony.
The cake is a lie.
You forget the Zombies of Myth! (Thrall, Ghast and Wights).vinylrake wrote:Unless of course zombies start roaming around underwater and somehow find your island, but I am reasonably sure from the canon of Zombie films that that's not a very likely possibility (I can think of only one exception to the 'zombies don't do water' rule)
True but they do break after extended use, so your going to need more or have a way to repair them. Which is actually also a problem for Guns eventually they just stop working (which means you need replacement parts to get them working again).lank wrote:sword: swords don't run out of ammo!
I'd be in my Sixties... which means I'd probably throw myself at the zombies while strapped with explosives or something (zombie hordes can never be infinite without a sustained human population so taking out a hundred would be a good way to go).Sonixboom wrote:Ok guys please tell my in your own words how YOU paln on escaping from the zombie uprising in 2046 at 2:03 PM on june 11th. YES that is the EXACT date of the zombie uprising so please we need a zombie plan. everyone here knows mine lets get some ideas make a plan band together and SURVIVE. I personally want to get flamethrower as my weapon of choice (zombies burn real nice)![]()
If it were to occur more recently I'd gather all the survivors I could, arm them (baseball bats, replica swords, kitchen knives etc) then head for the nearest military base to upgrade the weapons before heading for the nearest defensible castle (with enclosed open air grounds from which food can be grown) from which I'd launch attacks against the zombies and raids for supplies.
I think I have a pretty good chance with only around 5 million people in Scotland that could turn into potential zombies (plus any zombies that wander north from England) and considering the average person well armed could probably take down 20 zombies a day (or more) and if my group is perhaps 30 strong with a low casualty rate (if the raids are planned properly) we'd be able to clear out our region in just three years (448420 people in Aberdeen - latest info 2007).
Very true the common interpretation of zombie couldn't exist unless it was designed (ie it would have to recognize another zombie as "not food", and have to be able to recognize what a normal human is even if he were disguised as a zombie - otherwise the zombies wouldn't be any real threat).vinylrake wrote:The more I think about it, lacking some kind of outside agency animating the un/dead, the whole premise of zombies really make no sense.
The one thing Myth taught is that if you're against mainly regular zombies, then your best bet is; a dwarf. They're explosive, and somehow never run out of ammo (4-dimensional back-pack?).
Just set one up outside your house and all you need to worry about is a good supply of red-meat and hearty-ale!
Just set one up outside your house and all you need to worry about is a good supply of red-meat and hearty-ale!
My zombie idea - one that was shared with renwood without even knowing - is the idea of an automated zombie deathtrap.
Imagine cattle-chutes, leading blindly toward a room which, after enough zombies have entered, has the floor drop away from under them and make them fall into an industrial shredder/garbage compacter. The floor raises, the door that prevented the zombies from seeing the fate of their brethren opens, and in comes a new batch to be smooshified.
The real challenge is having someone in a situation to maintain the machine and keep it running, undoubtedly clogged by zombie parts.
Unless it's the industrial shredder i'm thinking of, then the only real problem would be bulldozing all the shredded wriggling zombie remains from the exit chute of the shredder to make room for more zombies.
Eventually something will have to be done to dispose of all the remains, lest it become a landfill of contagion and disease and a hazard to those operating it.
A true engineering genuis would have it remotely powered and have the power lines running underground or otherwise hidden FAR AWAY from the actual site, and having the batteries/generator maintained from that location. Preferrably a bunker of some sort.
This is less of a zombie survival plan and more of an eventual zombie extermination plan - at least for the area in which this device is initially made. Other countries or surviving bodies of humanity might pick up on it and install their own all throughout the world.
What's your zombie extermination plan?
Imagine cattle-chutes, leading blindly toward a room which, after enough zombies have entered, has the floor drop away from under them and make them fall into an industrial shredder/garbage compacter. The floor raises, the door that prevented the zombies from seeing the fate of their brethren opens, and in comes a new batch to be smooshified.
The real challenge is having someone in a situation to maintain the machine and keep it running, undoubtedly clogged by zombie parts.
Unless it's the industrial shredder i'm thinking of, then the only real problem would be bulldozing all the shredded wriggling zombie remains from the exit chute of the shredder to make room for more zombies.
Eventually something will have to be done to dispose of all the remains, lest it become a landfill of contagion and disease and a hazard to those operating it.
A true engineering genuis would have it remotely powered and have the power lines running underground or otherwise hidden FAR AWAY from the actual site, and having the batteries/generator maintained from that location. Preferrably a bunker of some sort.
This is less of a zombie survival plan and more of an eventual zombie extermination plan - at least for the area in which this device is initially made. Other countries or surviving bodies of humanity might pick up on it and install their own all throughout the world.
What's your zombie extermination plan?

easy. my zombie extermination plan is much different from my survival plan. I summon bahl'al the watcher and balor the leveler and sit in my living room and stare out my window as they PWN all things...and since there already dead once becoming an evil zombie demon lord isnt a problem 

Anyone interested in joining my clan drop me a line.
The first thing that popped into mind was some giant sticky zombie traps (like the mouse/bug traps), but maybe I should just some ZAP Traps instead.oogaBooga wrote: What's your zombie extermination plan?
Giant zombie fly traps! Nice. The task of killing them while they lie there helpless would prove tiresome, but on the bright side zombies arent too athletic so a virtual "moat" of zombie-strip might, in time, become a barrier in itself and be unclimbable to the uncoordinated bastards.vinylrake wrote:The first thing that popped into mind was some giant sticky zombie traps (like the mouse/bug traps), but maybe I should just some ZAP Traps instead.oogaBooga wrote: What's your zombie extermination plan?