Post Something
I agree, that whirlwind effect was pretty awesome- I liked that entire softdeaths were being sucked into it.
Also- nice colorings Gray. I got a Wacom recently and I really dig it- I use it for a variety of things- but it definitely helps to put detail into colormaps as well- working with a mouse all the time is a pain in the ass.
Keep 'em comin
Also- nice colorings Gray. I got a Wacom recently and I really dig it- I use it for a variety of things- but it definitely helps to put detail into colormaps as well- working with a mouse all the time is a pain in the ass.
Keep 'em comin
First don't take this as a diss, I'm not dissing you or your project, and I have no intention to get into another stupid flame war with you.
That said onto my post:
For example as Zeph put it, why take Archers when your Warriors can throw daggers, take more damage and block enemy attacks / projectiles?
I'm guessing you still want to call your project Myth 4, so that makes it in effect a sequel doesn't it, not "a whole new game where everything and it's grandma have a crazy cool special ability unrelated to unit class".
I dunno I guess it just doesn't appeal to what I think is core Myth. It feels something more along the lines of Heroes of Haxxors or Mazz.
That said onto my post:
I agree with Zeph, allot of the changes you guys have made though "cool" shiny, sparkly etc really do mess with the basic function of what makes Myth units and their classes (melee, missile, explosive etc) special.Zeph wrote:+ whats the point in getting archers if you throw daggers with your sword?
For example as Zeph put it, why take Archers when your Warriors can throw daggers, take more damage and block enemy attacks / projectiles?
I'm guessing you still want to call your project Myth 4, so that makes it in effect a sequel doesn't it, not "a whole new game where everything and it's grandma have a crazy cool special ability unrelated to unit class".
I dunno I guess it just doesn't appeal to what I think is core Myth. It feels something more along the lines of Heroes of Haxxors or Mazz.
Although I've poked my share of fun at the name "Myth 4" in the past, I don't see any point in arguing or discussing whether some hypothetical never to be released project changes Myth radically or not - because until it gets released it's just another vaporware project. And screen shots or beta tests to the contrary ANY project that has been shilled for 4+ years with no more to show than a handful of new attacks/physics/particles pasted onto existing units is just vaporware.
I'd love to be proven wrong and to see The Wind Age get released and have it be even half of what it's proponents advertise it to be, but I'd be willing to be we'll see a new Take2 Myth related release or Bungie buy back Myth or a new Myth game server come into existence before we see an official release of The Wind Age.
I am not dissing the considerable talents or past acheivements of many of the M4 team, and sorry I sound cyncical, I am just really tired of all the hype with nothing to show for it.
Please prove me wrong.
I'd love to be proven wrong and to see The Wind Age get released and have it be even half of what it's proponents advertise it to be, but I'd be willing to be we'll see a new Take2 Myth related release or Bungie buy back Myth or a new Myth game server come into existence before we see an official release of The Wind Age.
I am not dissing the considerable talents or past acheivements of many of the M4 team, and sorry I sound cyncical, I am just really tired of all the hype with nothing to show for it.
Please prove me wrong.
I agree, and I think that the title "Myth 4" is what everyone keeps getting caught up on. Personally, I don't give a shit about most of this argument. But I will say this: Had a project such as The Seventh God, with all its new content and professional presentation etc., been proclaimed a sequel to Myth by Creation (which it could have pulled off, arguably) - I would still think it was a bit audacious.vinylrake wrote:I don't see any point in arguing or discussing whether some hypothetical never to be released project changes Myth radically or not
I'm not interested in bashing anyone's project and I would prefer to share post more screenshots...
Here's a project that will probably never see the light of day- its a solo series I dreamt up involving the fir'Bolg mercenary unit who's a hired sword for various townships etc. But I don't know scripting for shit- so this is nowhere near being reality

and these have already been seen- but I think I'm just going to release this map as its been sitting around for a while.

Some ingame screenshots:
Level 23

Level 16

Level 25

Also, check out these older screenshots if you haven't yet: ... ssolo.html
Level 23

Level 16

Level 25

Also, check out these older screenshots if you haven't yet: ... ssolo.html
So... my Idea is a map similar to the TSG rpg levels, or Jinn, were you have to talk to the townspeople and have lots of interaction with the map, miniquests and places to explore, cutscenes etc. Even if its pretty cheesy stuff, like bringing fruit to the market, or bringing the town drunk some beer. Im not sure how involved I can make it at this point, im still brainstorming ideas to try out. I have the cmap mostly done, with models but havnt done much scenery yet (ive hit alot of limits already...), and basically the units picked out. ... ayout2.BMP ... pgpic2.gif
(A few of these units have been cut out do to space limits, and many will be swapped for more fitting units, like trow for Troll.)
So what im working on now are the units (help!), and figuring out what specials and objectives to give them. I want to change the gameplay to make the battles more intense; like making arrows more devastating, and the enemy more crafty. For example, I want the hero dwarfs main weapon the be a wicked dagger, and he can find bottles, rocks, etc to throw with T click. So far I have 4 main heroes, Warrior (tsg), Female Warrior (joan), Elf Arc (tsg), and Dwarf slave (subject to change). Then you can recruit city guard or others to join ranks too, and polymorphing...
If you guys have any ideas, suggestions or can help that would be great. ... ayout2.BMP ... pgpic2.gif
(A few of these units have been cut out do to space limits, and many will be swapped for more fitting units, like trow for Troll.)
Heroes: far... basically... the plot is that an outlying town has ceased trade with the empire, and you are sent to investigate. You discover the mines north of the town have been attacked and the dwarves enslaved, and the town governor has been brainwashed by an evil mage who is secretly draining the mine of resources for the evil armies. The townspeople are suffering and being attacked all the time. Many people have "disappeared" for speaking against the governor, but many escaped and live as bandits east of town, past the dark forest. You can join the governors side and fight the bandits, or join the bandits and fight the governors guards, or neither, but ultimately you must kill the evil mage. The outer wall guards are lead by a great warrior captain, and will help you against all enemies (unless you attack the peasants in the market).
I was thinking to make it two or three levels, so the first is the town and you slowly travel to the mine entrance, and the second level is inside the mine, fighting the boss (good place for iron trow!). Then the third level could be back at the town, where it is either sacked by the enemy or restored to peace, depending on your actions in the previous levels. Just ideas though :p
So what im working on now are the units (help!), and figuring out what specials and objectives to give them. I want to change the gameplay to make the battles more intense; like making arrows more devastating, and the enemy more crafty. For example, I want the hero dwarfs main weapon the be a wicked dagger, and he can find bottles, rocks, etc to throw with T click. So far I have 4 main heroes, Warrior (tsg), Female Warrior (joan), Elf Arc (tsg), and Dwarf slave (subject to change). Then you can recruit city guard or others to join ranks too, and polymorphing...
If you guys have any ideas, suggestions or can help that would be great.
- Posts: 406
- Joined: Tue Apr 22, 2008 11:16 pm
VR really "a handfull of"?
just the beta testing plugin alone has 50 versions of it made over the time frame of more then 4 years.
and for allmost an entire year ooga lived with me and we made myth suff every other day.
Unless you count thousands of changes as "a handfull"
The warriors that throw daggers will be few are far between as they are colorguards. normal rank and file warriors wont have these extra skill sets. AND all of the bungie models we are using as placeholders, we dont intend to keep ANY bungie made myth 2 unit models.
If only evreybody worked together to help one another, how much faster would all of our projects get done?!
But that has never been the case on myth EVER, so why would it start now? When me and ooga met YEARS ago we started teaming up because we would help evreybody else test their plugins BUT nobody ever wanted to return the favor. "OK YOU TEST MY PLUGIN 10 TIMES THEN I TEST YOURS ZERO!" Hence ooga and i teaming up together. The amount of myth things in the last 11 years that ooga and i have helped alpha and beta test AND fix after "Final release" is a large and varied list indeed.
I dout many others have been so willing to help others.
BUT let me say this though, the myth community has ALLWAYS been very willing to INFORM each other on HOW to go about doing things and adding features to projects. So in that respect we ALL help each other.
Its just telling somebody HOW to..... say do some complex type of scripting isnt going to help me if I MYSELF am not a scripter.
BTW this post is not aimed any anyone or anything, its just general statements on what i have seen in the history of the myth community.
just the beta testing plugin alone has 50 versions of it made over the time frame of more then 4 years.
and for allmost an entire year ooga lived with me and we made myth suff every other day.
Unless you count thousands of changes as "a handfull"
The warriors that throw daggers will be few are far between as they are colorguards. normal rank and file warriors wont have these extra skill sets. AND all of the bungie models we are using as placeholders, we dont intend to keep ANY bungie made myth 2 unit models.
If only evreybody worked together to help one another, how much faster would all of our projects get done?!
But that has never been the case on myth EVER, so why would it start now? When me and ooga met YEARS ago we started teaming up because we would help evreybody else test their plugins BUT nobody ever wanted to return the favor. "OK YOU TEST MY PLUGIN 10 TIMES THEN I TEST YOURS ZERO!" Hence ooga and i teaming up together. The amount of myth things in the last 11 years that ooga and i have helped alpha and beta test AND fix after "Final release" is a large and varied list indeed.
I dout many others have been so willing to help others.
BUT let me say this though, the myth community has ALLWAYS been very willing to INFORM each other on HOW to go about doing things and adding features to projects. So in that respect we ALL help each other.
Its just telling somebody HOW to..... say do some complex type of scripting isnt going to help me if I MYSELF am not a scripter.
BTW this post is not aimed any anyone or anything, its just general statements on what i have seen in the history of the myth community.
Peach Out
You know Ren, I kind of realized the same thing. So after that realization, there were still a few things I REALLY wanted to get done.... So I took the time to learn to do it myself.
I'm not sure if that was a personal example, but if you cant understand a complicated description of how to script something because you don't script.... well..... learn to script.
And if it's a matter of effort and time, and it being too hard to do ALL aspects of a huge project like this yourself.... how do you expect others are going to want to help a demotivated guide. Ultimately the reason people dont band up into huge groups to make maps is everyone has slightly different ideas of what is really worth putting time into. People get disgruntled with the direction something is going, so they leave and make their own thing. I find this works better in the long run. More unique projects are released.
And the odd group of folks who can dedicate the coordination and time into making a massive project work... well, more power to them!
I'm not sure if that was a personal example, but if you cant understand a complicated description of how to script something because you don't script.... well..... learn to script.
And if it's a matter of effort and time, and it being too hard to do ALL aspects of a huge project like this yourself.... how do you expect others are going to want to help a demotivated guide. Ultimately the reason people dont band up into huge groups to make maps is everyone has slightly different ideas of what is really worth putting time into. People get disgruntled with the direction something is going, so they leave and make their own thing. I find this works better in the long run. More unique projects are released.
And the odd group of folks who can dedicate the coordination and time into making a massive project work... well, more power to them!

- Posts: 406
- Joined: Tue Apr 22, 2008 11:16 pm
What you say is very true gray.
The only problem is you cant learn everything yourself. and if you think that people can master 10 differnt things to the same level as 10 different people that have spent 5 years EXP each allready learing thier craft, well thats a bit unrealistic. the project managers never know how to do every aspect of game creation down to the last detail, what they do have is a very good understaing of how all aspects work on a project and fit them together. And often they are really good at a few aspects themselves.
Should i also learn how to write music and play the piano? or should i get somebody who can create the propper content with their own background and creative input into the project that understands and delivers what we are looking for.
I Also REALLY enjoy working with other artists and getting their input and ideas. And even IF i could do everthing myself i wouldnt want to. ~8^)
The only problem is you cant learn everything yourself. and if you think that people can master 10 differnt things to the same level as 10 different people that have spent 5 years EXP each allready learing thier craft, well thats a bit unrealistic. the project managers never know how to do every aspect of game creation down to the last detail, what they do have is a very good understaing of how all aspects work on a project and fit them together. And often they are really good at a few aspects themselves.
Should i also learn how to write music and play the piano? or should i get somebody who can create the propper content with their own background and creative input into the project that understands and delivers what we are looking for.
I Also REALLY enjoy working with other artists and getting their input and ideas. And even IF i could do everthing myself i wouldnt want to. ~8^)
Peach Out
:) Da Cid (: McCl wrote:I call it... Myth IV. It uses all new units like big slightly tinted Alric who shoots lightning out of his shins
Is it possible for people to act like adults and stop taking cheap, immature jabs at one another? Sheesh. Every time I come here some fool thinks themselves a comedian just by making some "HEY LOOK IM MAKING MYTH IV LOL" post. It's getting old.
In response to "why get archers?" etc. Those units (like any specialized unit of its kind) are not plentiful enough to replace archers, nor are they on enough levels to replace them. Simply put, they don't replace archers because they can't logistically replace archers. There aren't enough of them in both the story and the levels. They're grizzled, hardass warrior veterans. They will be fighting alongside NORMAL warriors, not replacing them. It would do you all to remember that concept as it applies to other unit types as well (dwarves, etc).
As an aside, we're nerfing the range/accuracy/damage/etc on the daggers, trying to find a happy medium.
Now, as for the repel field/following vortex, it's funny that someone would say "ive seen that on heroes of haxors" and not "ive seen that on lichen", considering how long ago lichen beat everyone to the punch.
Even before 2004, though, I had in my assorted local folders the attacks sitting there without a project to attach it to, so if anybody tries to get technical about the "who thought up following repel/vacuums first" argument, it definitely wouldnt be a stretch if I were to claim seniority on that. Not that I am.
I did however, devise the method that made the "following" effect centered on the actual target and not just some invisible-floating-maximum-turning-speed guided projectile (as seen in Heroes of Haxors). I havent seen anyone use the method I have, or even approximate its effect through other means. If someone wants to prove me wrong and show me an older plugin that uses said method, i'd like to know.
But enough bullshit about fear and IP, every idea is just someone else's idea recycled, no matter how original the creator thinks it is, squabbling about who recycled it first is a futile endeavor. I'm sure some unknown fear genius had an even better version hidden away in his local folder and never was able to do anything with it.
Such is the nature of myth editing. Only the lucky few can say they were part of a team that saw everything through to completion. (and even less that they saw everything through to their satisfaction)

- :) Da Cid (: McCl
- Posts: 380
- Joined: Fri Jan 07, 2005 9:45 pm
- Location: Perth Australia.
I look at every conversation on this topic conducted by you guys over the past 2 years or so, and the word "immature" certainly comes to mind.oogaBooga wrote:Is it possible for people to act like adults and stop taking cheap, immature jabs at one another? Sheesh. Every time I come here some fool thinks themselves a comedian just by making some "HEY LOOK IM MAKING MYTH IV LOL" post. It's getting old.
Myth IV: It's getting old.
Having fun with poser horses and pasted-on Warrior torsos since 1990!™
- William Wallet
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I was getting okay at scripting but I had to stop. It was as much an organisational thing as anything else.. I was always losing track of unit containers and where test unit results were supposed to go.
It's worth persisting with, if you have the fortitude. Nothing quite like seeing your map work the way it was intended to... after a dozen or more occasions where nothing happens and you can't figure out why.
It's worth persisting with, if you have the fortitude. Nothing quite like seeing your map work the way it was intended to... after a dozen or more occasions where nothing happens and you can't figure out why.
Okay I got the models but now I'm too dumb to do anything with 'em