Anyone on here play back in MWC days?
Anyone on here play back in MWC days?
This is Giamilton formerly of The Companions (~C~), and The Spanish Inquisition (Spin). I'm still a big gamer and really have a lot of nostalgia for Myth and Myth2, two of the best games ever for PC and Mac. It's good to see people still play and love this game, I am going to reinstall this sucker tonight. I hope to see some old friends and make new ones.
Giamilton ~C~
Giamilton ~C~
Last edited by Giamilton on Tue Mar 17, 2009 7:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Well, welcome back, Gia.
You know, MWC's still happen. Last summer was the 10th annual, .
Currently we have another tournament going, the Winter Series. It's forum is too filled with crap to post a link to it.
Note that you'll have to update Myth 2 to 1.6, which you can find at (The Tain.) Just search for "1.6".
There are zillions of maps and tagsets that have been made over the years. For one, get the TFL Multiplayer Mappak, ... er-mappack . It has many maps from TFL (the fallen lords) that have been ported to M2.
Have fun!
You know, MWC's still happen. Last summer was the 10th annual, .
Currently we have another tournament going, the Winter Series. It's forum is too filled with crap to post a link to it.
Note that you'll have to update Myth 2 to 1.6, which you can find at (The Tain.) Just search for "1.6".
There are zillions of maps and tagsets that have been made over the years. For one, get the TFL Multiplayer Mappak, ... er-mappack . It has many maps from TFL (the fallen lords) that have been ported to M2.
Have fun!
Heh, I just found that out, it's good to see MWC still going. I guess I should have been more specific and said on
I still tell people about these games, the ability to save the matches and then basically watch them from any angle along with team chat was ahead of it's time.
I'm still in awe of what Bungie accomplished back in '98, it rivaled anything Blizzard was doing then. While Halo was developed by Bungie before being bought by MS, I still feel that their greatest accomplishment has always been the Myth Duo.
Currently I am playing Eve-online and for strategy I like Company of Heroes.
I still tell people about these games, the ability to save the matches and then basically watch them from any angle along with team chat was ahead of it's time.
I'm still in awe of what Bungie accomplished back in '98, it rivaled anything Blizzard was doing then. While Halo was developed by Bungie before being bought by MS, I still feel that their greatest accomplishment has always been the Myth Duo.
Currently I am playing Eve-online and for strategy I like Company of Heroes.
Wow dude. Welcome back.
Yeah, a lot of us left have been around since the heyday, but very few among us were as famous as you were back then O: Some Northern Paladins and Myrkridon you might remember.
And yeah, no kidding. Warcraft got me on to computer games, but Myth gave me something to appreciate. Welcome back dude.
Yeah, a lot of us left have been around since the heyday, but very few among us were as famous as you were back then O: Some Northern Paladins and Myrkridon you might remember.
And yeah, no kidding. Warcraft got me on to computer games, but Myth gave me something to appreciate. Welcome back dude.
I am all installed and patched up. I was watching a lot of my old recordings, I'm glad people remember ~C~, I was lucky to have such great ordermates, so I would't know about me being famous
but it was certainly a blast being a part of a better order and going up against such greats as np, ie, wp and civil just to name a few.

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Welcome back!Giamilton wrote:Somehow I managed to save them through a series of like 8 hard drives since then.Eddaweaver days films? Could be interesting
Maybe I should rar them up and post to a filesharing site?

I still have a CD's worth of Myth films floating around from all kinds of folks -- wouldn't it be funny if yours were in there? heh.
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When I dig out that CD (post-move), I'll start uploading them for posterity's sake.iron wrote:Why not upload those films here?

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