Official 1.7 Public Beta Bug Reporting Thread

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Post by Graydon »

phordicus2 wrote:thx for getting caps lock mappable again.

problem is (since i use it as Select All), it takes two presses to select or deselect, making it slow and pointless. can ya make it as it functioned in 1.5 or not? the rest looks worth upgrading for. still testing.
In 1.5 there was no unit highlighting available. In 1.6 and 1.7 Capslock plays the role of _keeping_ those units highlit. Such is the function of Capslock as a key in general. It keeps things a certain way that isn't default.

Consequently, using it for select all doesn't make sense, since you would, indeed, have to hit it twice to make it work.

I don't see how this would've been any different in past versions actually...

I understand that you do have the ability to configure your own controls... but I mean.. really. Remove a feature that's been around for a whole version of myth 2 already, just to make your select all work as capslock? Change your button to something that doesnt require an on and off state lol. Try ~ key or something.... Return works pretty damn well too. lol.
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Post by killerking »

Let it be clear: I'm using caps lock here and I already received all the units.

Admin edit: that image was too big, fixed it for you.
Another question: cutscenes! I'm very happy I can now watch them again on osx, but could you also add the cutscene of the secret level? (And maybe the cutscenes of green berets :) ???)
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Post by phordicus2 »

Graydon wrote:In 1.5 there was no unit highlighting available. In 1.6 and 1.7 Capslock plays the role of _keeping_ those units highlit. Such is the function of Capslock as a key in general. It keeps things a certain way that isn't default.

Consequently, using it for select all doesn't make sense, since you would, indeed, have to hit it twice to make it work.

I don't see how this would've been any different in past versions actually...

I understand that you do have the ability to configure your own controls... but I mean.. really. Remove a feature that's been around for a whole version of myth 2 already, just to make your select all work as capslock? Change your button to something that doesnt require an on and off state lol. Try ~ key or something.... Return works pretty damn well too. lol.
thanks for wasting time basically saying "get used to it" and making a pathetic argument against using caps lock as select all. perhaps you could explain why remapping an already available function was done in the first place (f10. you do play myth, don't you?). any key can be set as a toggle. why not just incorporate an .ini file or some such and let the user decide which keys he thinks are important. graydon lol.
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Post by Melekor »

OK guys, let's keep this thread on topic. This is for reporting bugs only.

The dev team is now aware of these concerns about the highlighting function and we will review it before the final release. Please move on to other topics.
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Post by killerking »

I originally thought it was a bug, since other users didn't have the same problem (at least they said so).
But thanks for taking a look at it, I hope you'll restore the caps lock function as it was in 1.6

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Post by Shaister »

A bug appeared in a game last night that was played in 1.5 mode. There were players with 1.5 1.6 and 1.7 in this game.

At about 7:13, some of Ghengis' krids start attacking themselves. Apparently this was triggered when he shift clicked the crazy krid with his group of krids.

Here is the film:

Also, I prefer 1.7 caps lock. It was difficult to tell which of my units were selected in 1.6.
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Post by Doobie »

If i'm understanding you correctly, I'm pretty sure that's a 1.3 bug, clicking on crazy krids (let alone shift clicking) has always been a risky proposition.

Doesn't mean it shouldn't be fixed, but I suspect the devs have enough on their plate, and I wouldn't be surprised if this was a difficult one to fix.
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Post by adrenaline »

caps locks is like training wheels for myth... it amazes me how dependent some people are on it.
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Post by judas »

At the risk of encouraging you guys too much I think this is a very good update. I've mostly hated what had been done to tweak gameplay up until this alpha. The pathfinding and camera control are much better with it. I also like seeing if a ghol is carrying a pus/mort in films.

BUG: If you load a film with 1.7 some units will have red outlines and some blue. Pretty sure they should all be blue in films. This is probably the result of all the tweaking thats been mentioned with caps lock etc.

Nice job Magma.

Now, what are the chances that the dev team listens to PPE's pleas and adds support for reporting back to the meta server the details on game scoring (how many flags were tagged in fr, flags held in terries, etc.) With that feature in place we could do some serious goodness for tourney sites.
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Post by judas »

Shaister ~ shamed myth II n00b

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Post by Shaister »

I thought it had been fixed, I guess not :o
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Post by Baron LeDant »

My sound issues seem to affect every single map not just one map like I thought
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Post by joecinq03 »

what's your soundcard?

have you tried unchecking/checking "3D Sound" in prefs?
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Post by Jon God »

I ran into a very strange bug, when trying to host the plugin I have been making, it just kicked everyone else out of the game, and ended it right away.

We all went back to 1.6 and it played fine, let me know I can send you a copy of the plugin, if needed.
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Post by Eddaweaver »

The Choose Team to Ally With dialogue can still appear after you've been eliminated.

The overhead map starts doing very weird things if you hold down the upsize key for long enough.