Download M3 Interface B1 HERE

Colored Arrow Notes:
- Orange: The portrait window for M3 is larger than M2's, and also includes background, as well as being off-centered from the M2 portrait. This proved too hard for the first beta, so I improvised another border.
- Green: M3's top section is larger in height than M2's. Unfortunately, once it reaches that bottom restriction, it crops off anything else. I actually did include that smaller 2 bordered pattern you see in M3's, but in game it gets cropped off.
- Blue: There isn't a bottom bar in M3 unlike M2, so I created a custom one based on the green star pattern from the top, which I thought turned out pretty good. I replaced the formation buttons but not the other ones. Why? Well, while playing M3, I realized I have no idea what each of them were, after all, there was no pop-up explaining. I thought it would be easier to leave them as names only.
- Yellow: Like the Green, I had to cut off the top part of the M3 bar because it wouldn't fit. The lettering is also white instead of M3's tan, which I don't know how to change.
- Red: Whereas M3's Pause and Hints are simple buttons, M2's were both a 4 frame, animated square. What I did was align the buttons where the boxes would be. The problem with this however, is if you click above or below the buttons, it's still considered part of that original "square" and brings up the dialog.
I'm posting all of this, including a download link, because I am happily accepting any help from anyone who might be able to better alter and tweak what I've started. Kinda like an open source project, where everyone can work on it.
If needed, I can upload the M3 interface pieces.