In the final version of 1.7 I can't use + and - to zoom the minimap, I assume I am missing a preference setting. Could anyone point me in the right direction?
1.7 - Cant zoom minimap
Re: 1.7 - Cant zoom minimap
Shift-click on the map and drag it around to zoom it.
- Posts: 33
- Joined: Sat Oct 14, 2006 11:11 pm
Re: 1.7 - Cant zoom minimap
Whacky, will do.
Re: 1.7 - Cant zoom minimap
And Shift right click on it to reset it to normal.
Re: 1.7 - Cant zoom minimap
From many, many years of experience in the software development industry I can safely say that almost no one reads readmes/manuals.Graydon wrote:Why don't people check the Read-Mes first?
Re: 1.7 - Cant zoom minimap
Even after they've had a problem with the program and cant logically figure it out? You'd think that'd be the _first_ place to look for notes on something new. Ah well. People are stupid, that's what I've learned from working in retail. Not saying Prop is stupid, this is just a generalized observation about the human race.