GodzFire wrote:Killswitch wrote:GodzFire wrote:Such a shame that everything we want are sitting in the tags. If only we could figure out a way to get them out.
The Vengeance source code has the 'template' stating what the skeletal model/anim file formats are like and which data is what. So knowing the
format of the data is easy. The difficult part is getting someone who
- A) has coding skills
B) has ample time
C) cares about exporting the model data
Knowing the Myth community, you'll be lucky to hit 2 out of 3 (most being too busy

So Kills, if I am understanding you correctly, is it theoretically possible to extract the already done skeletal models and animations, much like you did the texture stacks with Patchwork, the thing that would need to be created is a program to do it? Also, if it was possible would the output formats be something we could even use in 3DS Max or another rendering program?
First, the key word here is 'theoretically'.
But yes,
theoretically it would be possible. Let's review: Vengeance (Ballistic) takes a 3ds file, converts it to a tag file useable in M3 (the 'recipe' for such file in Vengeance source code). One
could reverse engineer the file format, extract the needed data (vertices, faces, bones, etc) and create a 3D file based on said data.
And at the end of the day (week? month?), you'll have some low poly models of so-so quality.
IMHO, creating new units using a modeling app (z-brush, 3ds, etc) of high quality would probably be of greater use. Not only could you render high quality sprites out for M2, but you could create a low-poly down-res version for import into M3. (And if the specs for M3 ever allowed high poly units, you'd have a model ready to import.)
Of course, this is all...