hey, I've been having strange opengl crashes since the opengl option became available. I don't know if I'm the only one with the problem, but with opengl my screen can suddenly go black in game, totally glitch out, freeze, or everything gets tons of contrast. If anyone can help or atleast explain why this happens I'd appreciate it. It's a frustrating thing and it's hard convincing people I'm not a dropper when I crash to so often.
2004-06-14 19:06:49
Myth II Build 234 running under MacOS 1028 ----------------------------------------------
Scanning for software devices...
Found 1 to use
Scanning for OpenGL devices...
Found 1 to use
Loading Patch Files...
Patch 1.2
Patch 1.3
PlayMyth v1.2.1
Patch 1.4
Patch 1.4 Interface
Patch 1.5
Loading Patch Files Succeeded
Error: Data Missing in cutscenes.c, line #369: Unable to find the following cutscene - prologue.smk
Running OpenGL at 800 x 600, 95 Hz, 16 bit
Starting mesh "WWII:Recon S-2 (SH) v1.0" with 1 plugins...
WWII_Recon (SH) v1_0