Creating Myth II's Animated Cut Scenes

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Creating Myth II's Animated Cut Scenes

Post by GodzFire »

While digging through the archives that are uDogs Hotline, I came upon this lost and forgotten txt file talking about the creation of Myth 2's cutscenes. Since I never read it before, and thought others might not have either, here it is:

Myth II: Soulblighter's Animated Cut Scenes

Storytelling has always been an integral part of our products, and Myth II: Soulblighter is no exception. Like its predecessor, one of the vehicles we've chosen to draw you into the game is movie quality cell animation. To create this animation, and to outdo the cut scenes in Myth: The Fallen Lords, we turned to one of the best companies in the business, Japan based Anime International Company (AIC), creators of popular Japanese animated films like Tenchi Muyo!, Bubblegum Crisis, and Armitage III.

Creating Myth II: Soulblighter's movies was an involved process. We started by drawing detailed reference sheets for all of the characters. When these were complete we sketched rough story boards for all of the animations, and then handed everything over to AIC.

AIC took these story boards and used them as references for black and white line drawings. When this was complete they created rough black and white animations. Once these initial animations were approved (a tedious process since our Japanese language skills are far below average), they became the foundation for the final color animations.

When AIC sent over the finished animations everyone at Bungie crammed together in the conference room for a nervous but excited pre-screening. Even though we'd been involved throughout the entire process, what we saw was amazing– the cut scenes make the characters and the world come alive like never before. Very cool.

When the animations were finished we handed them over to Total Audio, our cooler than cool sound guys, so that they could add sound effects, voices, and music– the final touches on the already amazing cut scenes.

For more detailed info on AIC and the animation process take a look at this issue of EX: The Online World of Anime and Manga.
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William Wallet
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Re: Creating Myth II's Animated Cut Scenes

Post by William Wallet »

Honestly, I think I liked the TFL cutscenes better! At least a couple of them; they felt more like they'd come from a cartoon and I liked it. The Soulblighter ones were, on a technical level I guess, better made. The TFL ones had more narrative to them, if only slightly.
Okay I got the models but now I'm too dumb to do anything with 'em
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Re: Creating Myth II's Animated Cut Scenes

Post by Jon God »

William Wallet wrote:Honestly, I think I liked the TFL cutscenes better! At least a couple of them; they felt more like they'd come from a cartoon and I liked it. The Soulblighter ones were, on a technical level I guess, better made. The TFL ones had more narrative to them, if only slightly.
I agree with you there. The Myth 2 ones were there to tell story, but were too quiet, without much life to them. I think only 2 cutscenes even contained any talking.
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Re: Creating Myth II's Animated Cut Scenes

Post by Horus »

The Myth TFL intro cutscene is still my all time favourite.
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Re: Creating Myth II's Animated Cut Scenes

Post by Graydon »

Horus wrote:The Myth TFL intro cutscene is still my all time favourite.

Miss you buddy.
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