If the Greek tags and plugin aren't done by January 1st, 2010 I am pretty sure they fall into the legal status of 'public domain' and anyone who wants to can work on them.
Better get going Carl if you don't want someone else to finish the Greek units and campaign for you!!!
[Note: This isn't true of course, I just said this to light a fire under Carl's butt so he'll finish up the 10% of graphics remaining so we can at least have the unit-tagset to play with.]
actually I tried that to happen, but somehow I ended up with them again!!! haha
ok, if by january 1st 2010 I didn't finish (most probable...) I'll post the wip as a beta for you guys to finish (and I can supervise of course...haha)
Yeah I didn't say much so it didn't attract too much attention, at least not until it was near completion. Though you will see Trow units made from the same model used to make Souly's signature.
Insert text here. Divine entity of map making. Undefeated god of 1v1 map making contests that have yet to happen. Insert massive ego here Someone tell this guy to stop having so many signatures