- Mazz's Taunt to bring people back DOES work, but it seems to have to taunt numerous times in order for the script to 'find' the ones that were taunted away and bring them back
- Make TUNI's to check if a certain type of unit is dead, so the Peasant won't continue dropping power-ups for it
- The General still has that 11 ammo icon
- Reduce the size of the General's shield power-up. It's currently sometimes stuck in the ground. Keep the current Reflection Sheild droprate, but if you have to still include the Fire and Electricity shields, reduce them drastically
- Check on Mazz's spawning with a random power up. Sometimes he has 1, sometimes 2, sometimes he has 0
- Have the Frost Giant drop multiple power-ups so it's worth going all the way over there to kill him. Especially in higher difficulty games where going there is your last hope, he should drop 4-5 powerups, again using the TUNI described in the first point to make sure the powerups are for an alive unit
- Remove the satchels
- When the Sorcerer has a certain type of inventory selected, maybe Inv 0, the White Mage is not able to heal him with his normal heal attack
- The White Mage's main heal attack sometimes doesn't hit the ground and instead breaks apart in mid-air. This is a real issue because it will then miss most of the intended target
- The White Mage's uniquely healing abilities brings a problem with it. I've experienced being completely out of powerups and mana, where my only attack was the staff attack, however, if the unit is alive like a maul or ghol, it will refill their health, and the WM will be helpless. Can you change that attack to pure damage?
- Heal Burst attack is rather weak. You have to run right into a fight in order for the effects to really be felt, and you're just one hit away then from dying from a Trow
- Peasant sometimes doesn't throw anything out, in the sense he throws the "pink" things, but nothing spawns from them
- Archers are still too fragile. In yesterday's game poor CosmicTruth was doing a great job with the 4 archers, but even a single Sorcerer firewall would put them in the red. Instead of having 4, I suggest combining 2 into 1, giving them the health of 2 archers, and increasing their bow inventory by 1 or 2.
- The Sorcerer and Mort portraits are messed up:

Just change the Sorcerer's background color to transparent, and move Mort's picture down and you should be fine
- Warlock of Elements's walk speed seems to be very slow, even worse than a Thrall
- The Holy Liberator seems to be too weak against Fireball and Electricity damage. I would raise his resistance by 25%
- If you still have Viles in your map, they aren't showing up. I don't think we saw one in the games yesterday
- Finally, DoD crashed multiple times while trying to start a game yesterday. We had a packed house of about 12 or 11. It looks like it can't handle more than 10 people. I uploaded the crashlog to PasteBin HERE for you to take a look it.
I know this seems like a big list Gleep, but in all honesty, most of these are just fine tunes. I think DoD is very close to being a Release Candidate. It's incredibly fun, and I think this plugin is a big part in keeping Myth alive. Above all else, excellent work; please remember that!