If only some1 ( cough Project cough Magma cough ) could cooperate with Take2 and M$ and release Myth II on Xbox360 as a xbox live arcade game downloadable via xbox live! ( just like Marathon 2 was released as XBL arcade Marathon: Durandal )
I know that multiplayer would proly suck a lot - Myth definitly isnt similiar to way simplier Halo Wars RTS - but singleplayer would PWN. Well implemented "active-pause" could make Myth playable on xbox pad.
Btw maybe multi could work on xbox as well. AFAIK many xbox users already bought special "thingy" ( to use it with latest Call of Duty shooter ) that allows them to connect both mouse and keyboard to xbox. Whats else can xboxer need tp play Myth ( and have fun

In polish this idea would be proly called a "severed head dream"- its proly an idiom - "pipe dream" in english ? Anyways I am sure that this idea is such dream - but damn, that would be best xbl arcade game ever