Myth TFL map loading problem

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Myth TFL map loading problem

Post by liamvolley »

I try to start the mission The Crow's bridge (first 1), but after loading, it returns to the main menu. The opening narration and CG are fine, and I used the TFL 1.5 patch. Can anyone help me? Thx in advance
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Re: Myth TFL map loading problem

Post by GodzFire »

Please post your computer specs and game pref settings
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Re: Myth TFL map loading problem

Post by haravikk »

Also, after trying to load the map, close Myth 2 and look inside your myth_log.txt file (same folder as Myth 2), copy-paste what's there as it could identify any files you may have missing for some reason, or where exactly the failure occurs.
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Re: Myth TFL map loading problem

Post by liamvolley »

GodzFire wrote:Please post your computer specs and game pref settings
system: Vista
processor:AMD Athlon 4400+ dual core 2.3ghz
integrated GPU : geforce 6800 128mb (or something like that)
screen resolution: 1680 X 1050

game pref setting: -graphic: high resolution and landscape filtering on
- rendering: Open GL
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Re: Myth TFL map loading problem

Post by liamvolley »

haravikk wrote:Also, after trying to load the map, close Myth 2 and look inside your myth_log.txt file (same folder as Myth 2), copy-paste what's there as it could identify any files you may have missing for some reason, or where exactly the failure occurs.
it says:

2009-12-27 11:21:21
Myth: TFL Build 264 running under Modern Windows 6.000000 ----------------------------------------------
Using Max Resolution Size x:1680 y:1050

Mouse appears to have 5 buttons and 3 axes.
Using Max Resolution Size x:1680 y:1050

Using Max Resolution Size x:1680 y:1050

Using Max Resolution Size x:1680 y:1050

Error: File system Read in .\Myth1Code\tag_files.c, line #1005: error #998 while setting offset to 0x6d6b9d9e from '.256:crow'.
Error: File system Read in .\Myth1Code\shapes.c, line #1819: failed to bootstrap crowsbridge collection (only got #82738464 of #82738464 bytes).
Error: File system Read in .\Myth1Code\definitions.c, line #251: collection definition postprocess failed on 'crowsbridge'.
Error: File system Read in .\Myth1Code\definitions.c, line #251: collection reference definition postprocess failed on 'crow's bridge textures'.
Error: File system Read in .\Myth1Code\geometry_definitions.c, line #429: unable to get collection reference 'crbt' for geometry crows_bridge.
Error: File system Read in .\Myth1Code\definitions.c, line #251: geometry definition postprocess failed on 'crows_bridge'.
Error: File system Read in .\Myth1Code\model_definitions.c, line #249: unable to get geometry 'crow' for model crows_bridge.
Error: File system Read in .\Myth1Code\definitions.c, line #251: model definition postprocess failed on 'crows_bridge'.
Using Max Resolution Size x:1680 y:1050

Closing Myth.

seems there is an error, do you have any solution?
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Re: Myth TFL map loading problem

Post by Pyro »

TFL uses the desktop's resolution, try a lower resolution on your desktop before loading TFL. If it doesn't work, try a different one again. I know 1024x768 works for sure.

Also, in case you didn't know...

Myth 2 has a "vTFL" (virtual TFL) mode which makes Myth 2 behave like TFL. Magma even released The Fallen Levels, a plugin of the TFL single player maps. Magma also released the TFL Multiplayer Mappack for TFL multiplayer maps. Both can be found in the Tain. You can even download the TFL interface and go to your prefs in M2 and make it look like TFL.

For other questions take a look at the Myth Starter Guide.
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Re: Myth TFL map loading problem

Post by Graydon »

Why do we _always_ point people to Myth 2 The Fallen Levels, when someone clearly has asked about TFL v1.5, the ORIGINAL GAME WE ALL LOVED. Maybe the dude just wants to play it solo. Why not play the authentic original deal?

Just simply an observation. Every time anyone ever asks about the original TFL, someone if not multiple people will chip in about Myth 2 and The Fallen Levels. What If he doesnt even have Myth 2?

TFL rocks.
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Re: Myth TFL map loading problem

Post by Pyro »

What if the person asking the TFL question does not know there is the Myth 2 option? TFL hasn't been updated since 1.5 and therefore might not run well on everyone's computers as Myth 2 does.

What if we can't help the person play TFL? Letting him know about the other option can only help, specially if he can't get the original to run.
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Re: Myth TFL map loading problem

Post by vinylrake »

What if the person posting doesn't know there was a Myth III? Shouldn't we be making sure everyone knows about Myth 3?
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Re: Myth TFL map loading problem

Post by devSin »

Ooh, is there a "vSuck" (virtual Worst Game Ever) mode which makes Myth 2 behave like Myth III? Magma can even release The Unfinished Levels, a plugin of all the painful memories you have of playing the single player maps...

OK, so you cast on that Maul ancestor thing and then you run-run-run around the trow... No, I said RUN RUN RUN! You have to keep running because they can't die and you can't die and all you can do is run and keep running IT'S FUN!
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Re: Myth TFL map loading problem

Post by GodzFire »

Again, people bashing M3 because it's the "popular" thing to do.
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Re: Myth TFL map loading problem

Post by devSin »

GodzFire wrote:Again, people bashing M3 because it's the "popular" thing
As someone who played Myth III in all its lack of glory... yes, I imagine talking crap about it is pretty universally popular.

But it's all right! We have you to defend her! :P
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Re: Myth TFL map loading problem

Post by Jon God »

Graydon wrote:Why do we _always_ point people to Myth 2 The Fallen Levels, when someone clearly has asked about TFL v1.5, the ORIGINAL GAME WE ALL LOVED. Maybe the dude just wants to play it solo. Why not play the authentic original deal?

Just simply an observation. Every time anyone ever asks about the original TFL, someone if not multiple people will chip in about Myth 2 and The Fallen Levels. What If he doesnt even have Myth 2?

TFL rocks.
I wanted to throw my 2¢ in here.

vTFL, while not perfect, runs much better then TFL 1.5, and it's much more likely, if the person downloads the fallen levels, that s/he will be able to find other games with it online. And what's wrong with vTFL? Seriously? People often complain about how it's not the same, yet no one can tell me why.
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Re: Myth TFL map loading problem

Post by vinylrake »

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What's WRONG with vTFL? Are you blind man? For starters it's got that stupid iMac formatted name 'vTFL' - that alone should make you abstain from playing vTFL for ever just on principle, but if that isn't enough, i heard from a pretty reliable source (at least when he's not stoned or drunk) that one of the fir'bolg's names is spelled wrong!! CAN YOU BELIEVE IT!!!! WHAT ARROGANCE TO RELEASE SUCH A SHODDY PRODUCT AND THINK NO ONE WILL EVEN NOTICE!!!  Besides, it's not right that mere humans should try to create TFL in SB - it's just not supposed to be, it goes against all the laws of nature. It's like trying to play tic-tac-toe on a chess board, it just isn't right.

NOW do you understand why no one plays vTFL?  

Besides, you are just disagreeing to cause trouble.... because I notice you released "DeadFall" NOT "DeadvTFaLl".
Jon God
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Re: Myth TFL map loading problem

Post by Jon God »

vinylrake wrote:

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What's WRONG with vTFL? Are you blind man? For starters it's got that stupid iMac formatted name 'vTFL' - that alone should make you abstain from playing vTFL for ever just on principle, but if that isn't enough, i heard from a pretty reliable source (at least when he's not stoned or drunk) that one of the fir'bolg's names is spelled wrong!! CAN YOU BELIEVE IT!!!! WHAT ARROGANCE TO RELEASE SUCH A SHODDY PRODUCT AND THINK NO ONE WILL EVEN NOTICE!!!  Besides, it's not right that mere humans should try to create TFL in SB - it's just not supposed to be, it goes against all the laws of nature. It's like trying to play tic-tac-toe on a chess board, it just isn't right.

NOW do you understand why no one plays vTFL?  

Besides, you are just disagreeing to cause trouble.... because I notice you released "DeadFall" NOT "DeadvTFaLl".
I laughed. :)
PSN: Jon_God
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