Ballistic unable to save
Ballistic unable to save
Hi I just found this place and it is great to see I can still play. Anyhow I am on a mac and when ever I try to save any changes using Ballistic I get an error message that pops up so I am unable to make any modifications. Any ideas on what the problem might be? I have looked through the forums but haven't found anything yet that could help. I have attached a jpg of the dialogue box but I doubt it will help. The top bar of the application window says ffPatch (readonly) (modified). I thought that would indicate a permissions problem but all the permissions are set to be able to read and write so I don't have a clue. Thanks
Re: Ballistic unable to save
Are you using the one found at the Tain? It is version 1.1. Never used it myself so I can't be of much help.
Re: Ballistic unable to save
Could the problem be that you're trying to modify the original patch file? Try making a new file and dragging the tags you want to modify from the original one into that one, and then saving the new one into your plugins folder.
The cake is a lie.
Re: Ballistic unable to save
cheers i will give that a go