Post your MYTH screenshot of the day...

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Re: Post your MYTH screenshot of the day...

Post by ozone »



I will scale them to .05 in myth... they will blow you mind...

HD BABY!!!!!!!!!!

Last edited by ozone on Tue Feb 09, 2010 5:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.
do it.
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Re: Post your MYTH screenshot of the day...

Post by Jon God »

akk akk, absent minded alert!
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Re: Post your MYTH screenshot of the day...

Post by Fury IX »

since when is pron allowed on forums? :p
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Re: Post your MYTH screenshot of the day...

Post by carlinho »

aye! but can you use 512x 512 with Vegas?
because if you can't then you can't really work textures and permutations with models in 512x 512

when is loathing going to come out that you can see 512x 512 textures on models?
that would be cool!
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Re: Post your MYTH screenshot of the day...

Post by Graydon »

1.7.1 Loathing beta already allows it. Build 342 is the latest I believe?

I'm not sure if Vegas can handle 512xX and up, I know for fact that Apathy cannot. Meshwork can though, I'm not sure what makes you think that it couldn't. However, if you use the high res textures in meshwork (during their mapping and creation phase), before exporting your model you have to quickly apply some 'placeholder' textures that are 256x256 so that apathy will read your .3dmf file. Then you index your high res textures into their master colourtable in photoshop and replace the [cr]apathy textures in oak with your high res versions.
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Re: Post your MYTH screenshot of the day...

Post by carlinho »

but if vegas can't handle them, then how do you create permutations and make them work?
you need to make them in 256x and then replace exactly the correct ones in oak/.amber?
wow that's a lot of work..hehehe
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Re: Post your MYTH screenshot of the day...

Post by ozone »

just use stand in textures until your ready to finalize... less time consuming in the long run by far.
do it.
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Re: Post your MYTH screenshot of the day...

Post by oogaBooga »

Lol, if you shrunk that to 0.5 they'll still be taller than the breach wall models :P
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Re: Post your MYTH screenshot of the day...

Post by oogaBooga »

ps. Lately I've seen the wisdom of Magma's reluctance to increase in-game limits, and not raising them "just because we can".
Raising projectile/monster limits is absolutely nothing in terms of processing power compared to HD units. So no, that isn't wisdom. They just don't want to make it incompatible with previous versions.

We get it - you can't run large collections and you're sad about it.
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Re: Post your MYTH screenshot of the day...

Post by Jon God »

Neither can I very well.

I can look at them, but not play online with them.
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Re: Post your MYTH screenshot of the day...

Post by Renwood »

i would like to take this time to mention that:
Burger king has 1 dollar doubble cheese burgers that fucking rule for the price!
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Re: Post your MYTH screenshot of the day...

Post by vinylrake »

oogaBooga wrote: We get it - you can't run large collections and you're sad about it.
Yes I _am_ mildly sad about that, but I am more concerned by the existence of projects that (if successful) further Balkanize the myth community, into those who can play gigantic collections shrunk to fit an inch of screen real estate, and those who can't.

e.g. Just because you CAN render things at 1280x1024 that doesn't mean it's a good idea, or that it's efficient or a good idea graphic wise. I don't know the details of exactly what you are doing but from your and Rens comments it sounds like you have HUGE rendered images in your collections that you resize IN game (putting an incredibly unnecessary load on the graphics ingame since no one is ever going to zooming in whil playing to have a unit more than a few hundred pixels high). That SOUNDS a lot like creating an image gallery webpage where instead of making thumbnails that you click on to view a larger image you add height= and width= tags and make the browser resize your images into thumbnails for you, and then instead of resizing the original 4000x-6000px image to something viewable on a monitor you just resize the larger view too. Yes you CAN do that when designing a page, and IF you have a fast enough internet connection you can get away with it, but it's inefficient, sloppy and bad design. Not saying this IS what you are doing, but if you are then I think you are doing a bad thing.
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Re: Post your MYTH screenshot of the day...

Post by carlinho »

I know, it totally sucks, but then when you do units you test them with your computer.
and if they don't lag in your computer you "ass-u-me" everyone will be able to play them
specially when you have a shitty pc

but oh well. it turned out it doesn't work out like that...macs suck for myth...
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Re: Post your MYTH screenshot of the day...

Post by Jon God »

carlinho wrote:but oh well. it turned out it doesn't work out like that...macs suck for myth...

More like, that one graphics card sucks for Myth.
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Re: Post your MYTH screenshot of the day...

Post by Graydon »

Carl, I think you're one of the very few people that frequent these forums, that actually has a 512mb graphics card.

I'm pretty sure the whole problem is in regards to graphics memory, in conjunction with ram. It's evident that some certain new computers with certain graphics cards cannot run high resolution sprite images on the current system that myth uses. It's also evident that older computers with "poorer" quality graphics cards CAN run high resolution sprites.

Has anyone considered the option of Magma re-coding for 1.8, how the sprite images are handled? Would it be possible to code something like mipmapping? Surely an undertaking would be a ton of work, but utilizing the new high res renders in their full glory, and then creating smaller verisons, down to the approx size current myth units use mapmakers could create new units that are high res capable, but would only show up in high def when zoomed in, with the Mipmapping toggle turned on in prefs. If the preference is not turned on, the high res units just use their smallest varient of the mipmap.

This would resolve issues of plugins being released that would limit certain players from using their plugins, but still allow those mapmakers to showcase their full glory to certain capable users (like themselves, fuck let it be said, I mapmake for myself.. its ultimately just a hobby for all of us).

Thoughts? Comments? Addendums?
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