I will scale them to .05 in myth... they will blow you mind...
HD BABY!!!!!!!!!!

Raising projectile/monster limits is absolutely nothing in terms of processing power compared to HD units. So no, that isn't wisdom. They just don't want to make it incompatible with previous versions.ps. Lately I've seen the wisdom of Magma's reluctance to increase in-game limits, and not raising them "just because we can".
Yes I _am_ mildly sad about that, but I am more concerned by the existence of projects that (if successful) further Balkanize the myth community, into those who can play gigantic collections shrunk to fit an inch of screen real estate, and those who can't.oogaBooga wrote: We get it - you can't run large collections and you're sad about it.
carlinho wrote:but oh well. it turned out it doesn't work out like that...macs suck for myth...