Missing Top Bar?
Missing Top Bar?
Hello, I recently dug out my copies of Myth and installed TFL on my Mac running OSX. I could have sworn that on the top of the screen while playing was a bar that displayed a little "flavor" about the unit you had selected as well as the veteran/kills of said unit. I don't see that bar anymore and I am curious if it is because of something I screwed up during the install using the 1.5 update. I just copied my "tags" folder from the disk into the directory and placed the included "tages->local" in the appropriate folder. Any ideas? Thank you so very much for your help.
Re: Missing Top Bar?
Thank you very much, I feel like an idiot.
Re: Missing Top Bar?
There is a preference checkbox for it as well. It is the Status Bar and the bottom one is the Control Bar.
Shift F6
Ctrl F6
These 3 combinations do different things. One toggles the status bar, another toggles the control bar, and the other one toggles the transparency of both.
Shift F6
Ctrl F6
These 3 combinations do different things. One toggles the status bar, another toggles the control bar, and the other one toggles the transparency of both.