Myth World Cup 2010

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Autumn Demon
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Myth World Cup 2010

Post by Autumn Demon »

Last edited by Autumn Demon on Tue Jun 15, 2010 11:59 am, edited 3 times in total.
Autumn Demon
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Re: Myth World Cup 2010

Post by Autumn Demon »

Anyone from =IX= on these forums?

I saw that a =IX= team was registered on the skysoftwebs site, but the database was cleared so all the teams were deleted.

Could you please register again on the forums?
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Re: Myth World Cup 2010

Post by kingthrall »

I am sorry people if you have been misled to this website. Here i have provided
the correct Myth World Cup 2010. With a major
contribution by the Project Magma team
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Re: Myth World Cup 2010

Post by Myrd »

I've edited the original post to link to the new URL, to avoid confusion.
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Re: Myth World Cup 2010

Post by Autumn Demon »

Myrd, that was and remains the real site, according to me; I edited back the real URL. Liger is trying to hijack MWC so confusion cannot be avoided.

There is a split in the community over where MWC will be hosted and by whom. I won't lie to you like kingthrall: it remains to be determined which side will win and have the 'real' site.

I believe the majority of the MWC community supports me as head TO. To be clear: I have nothing to do with skysoftwebs anymore and do not recognize their website as legitimate.
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Re: Myth World Cup 2010

Post by Myrd »

All right, I'll let you guys sort it out.
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Re: Myth World Cup 2010

Post by GodzFire »

Myrd the correct site for MWC 2010 is and is being run by TO Liger. Whatever anyone else says is incorrect.
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Re: Myth World Cup 2010

Post by king paris »

well aki was supposed to run it and liger was supposed to host the website, but i guess aki doesn't want to use the website so i can't look at all my neat stats i collect? sweet :( pretty lame tho

aki you can beleive whatever you want to beleive about the community, but really its up to the community to choose which site they want to go to, and the choice is gonna be pretty obvious considering one site is actually functional and presentable, regardless its your first time on a website that is run off from a forum. best of luck.
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Re: Myth World Cup 2010

Post by vinylrake »

i am confused, who was the original host of the mwc tournament anyways?
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Re: Myth World Cup 2010

Post by kingthrall »

project magma and MWC team were working on the website hence why we did not give no press release because the site was in maintence. The databases initialy were in really bad shape from 12 years of diferent MWC hosts adding their own things on top.

Because Aki has forced our hand on this issue about who is running MWC we have been forced to release the real website early, and though users can register and the forums are working perfectly there are a few minor scripting errors that we were working on.

To prevent a split community we initialy invited Aki to join our team in turn aki was told he had to put down his website to prevent confusion. Initialy I even voted for aki to be our new TO untill he deliberatly attempted to sabotage the site by ignoring the MWC team about important TO decitions such as what are the maps, rules and scoring ect. Aki basicly stayed quiet to delay us for his own websites fruition.

Now Aki has gone solo back to his website it leaves the community split again. We tried to help aki, but in turn got stabbed in the face and is making us look like the bad guys when it is he who is deliberately sabotageing the real mwc site for a free forum.
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Re: Myth World Cup 2010

Post by vinylrake »

so aki wasn't one of the original organizers? it was you and liger and project magma and you guys just invited him to avoid a split in the community? what split was that? i saw that mwc post over on mnet like a month ago linking to his site so thought he was the one organizing it.

so the mwc2010 site you guys are hosting isnt ready yet and you had to rush it out over this past weekend? how come you guys didn't say anything before now about aki's site not being the official site if you were planning something else? i thought the tournament was supposed to start this weekend it seems awfully late to get a site out if you've been working on it all along.

man this is confusing, i am glad i am not trying to keep track of this or play in the tournament, hell i wouldn't even know where to go to register my team.
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Re: Myth World Cup 2010

Post by kingthrall »

ok VR, take a read of these 3 links, copy paste if they dont autolink cause im lazy to url
them. This is what fallout took place before aki butted his head in. Notice the fact that aki even posted that poll in the first link ive given you.

If you notice that liger was next in line after GKG, Gkg was the first host of this years MWC but he dropped out so it was ligers turn next in line. Everyone who read this should of known about liger hosting because of all the responses including "AKI"

The split is that he has his own website and we have ours
ours is
he is a free forum with banner ads ect at

because he was the first site advertised all the people have gone to his site first and registerd their teams, and now we cant do any of the pools ect because of his website!

Aki only provided that temp website after liger had responded, Aki has tried to push in front of ligers website contruction and thus we have a split community of MWC websites.
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Re: Myth World Cup 2010

Post by Graydon »

I don't do this stuff anymore, but if I were to participate, I'd most certainly register my team at the skyofwebs MWC site based on its aesthetics alone. It _looks_ and _feels_ like previous MWC sites.
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Re: Myth World Cup 2010

Post by deadman »


Whoever is running MWC, I was wondering if all the maps had been decided. I'm workin' on a new one, wanted to see if I can slide it in there in time.

If you could PM me on the forums I'd appreciate it. If I've missed the window, no biggie, I'll release the thing as part of a larger mappack later on.

Here's a quick preview to give you an idea of what it looks like (old cmap), however I've since gone back and edited the layout (I'll post more pics later on):

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Re: Myth World Cup 2010

Post by Eddaweaver »

Whoever is responsible, please at least postpone the start of the MWC another week til the 26th of June. So much confusion has been created by this mess that you're only inviting a debacle if you attempt to start on the 19th.
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