Looking for Map testers/builders

A forum for discussing map making ideas and problems for the Myth series.
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Looking for Map testers/builders

Post by SamualACarver »

Hey all, I just returned to Myth after a couple years and decided to pick back up a few maps I had been working on. They are a lot of work and I would really like to finish and have realized I cant finish them all myself (in any reasonable amount of time). One is "finished" and just needs tested for bugs and gameplay enjoy ability, and enhancement suggestions. The other 2 are works in progress, one is epic with a lot of new units and other features (I have started a few new units and have some new attacks) I will create a post about those later. I just started a new site and once I get a chance I will upload pics and info about them. I am looking for people to test them and also help in creating them. Even if you dont have any map making experience thats fine I will gladly teach you what I know (enough to get you making maps).

Anyway like I said I will start a post abut the other maps later. For now I would like to get some people to test the "finished" map "Dog Fights". I think I have everything working right but can't be sure until I get a few "full" games going and people just playing and trying stuff out. Also to see if anyone had any suggestions to make it better.

About The Map

This map is different than other Myth maps (that I know of). There is a certain amount of chance to it. Basically it is a Dog Fight set in a Pit or Arena surrounded by fans and hosted by The Deceiver, who stands on a platform in the center of the Pit. Each player starts with a Dog, that they "train" for the first round of the fight. They train by killing enemy chickens and pigs to vet up. Vetting will improve your Dogs chances in the second round. The Dogs Vet 1 for each Chicken Killed and 3 for each Pig. You can also attack the other players Dogs. After a set amount of time a Horn will sound and your Dogs will be teleported back to their "corner" and will be healed by their Jman healer/trainer. A second horn sounds and the Dogs are teleported back into the Arena. The Players no longer have control over their Dogs. I have scripted the Dogs to "randomly" attack each other. This is not just an "attack all enemies" command. The Dogs will move and attack different Dogs at different times, much like a real Dog fight. The Dogs also have a "Special Attack" "Fury" that does a lot of damage. Players can either choose to use it in round 1 when the have control or save it and the AI will "randomly" use it in round 2. There are also "Artifacts" that the Dogs can pick up when under player control. These are randomly thrown by the Jmen, in sacks. Some sacs contain only guts some a Ham some a Head and some all. The Pigs Head, when this is in use the Dogs attack will be more powerful. It is indicated by small Skulls circling the Dog. The Ham, when this is in affect the Dog become invincible, and is indicated by Glowing Orbs circling the Dog. During the first round a Dog cannot be killed, once the Dogs health has dropped below a certain level the Dog is teleported back to it corner until the start of round 2. This means that the Dog cannot continue Training and Vetting up. Vetting is extremely important for your Dog to win, they become more aggressive and attack faster. Although Vetting is important it isn't everything a Dog with less Vets can beat a higher Vetted Dog (by chance a more aggressive Dog?) Another thing during the fight the crowd continues to grow and at the Deceivers call to "KILL" the fans will launch Bombs and Flaming Arrows into the Arena. There are other "Traps" in the Arena also. Pretty much thats it.

I really enjoy watching "randomly" scripted AI units fight, because you never know for sure what will happen and sometimes can be surprised. Another map I have been working on "Gimble Challenge" uses a lot of AI scripting the Player fighting their way around the Gimble map fighting against "Standard" Gimble Armies (correct unit points and all, player and AI have same number of unit points, just different units) I have not seen anyone beat the first 2 armies (what is finished now) with out first losing a bunch of times. Even then because it is always changing you can lose a game right after you win. I wrote the script, and never know exactly what will happen and often lose. Anyway I borrowed from "Gimble Challenge" for "Dog Fights" to have a smaller map with similar AI fights. Which when I started working on this I got the idea maybe having "Scripted AI Fights" where different people script units to fight with AI and then upload them with their scripts to the same map, and see who's AI units win. I have scripted 2 AI armies to fight and it can be very entertaining and suspenseful to watch.

Thanks to all that help. On my next post I will have more info about the projects, maps, screen shots ect. and how to contact me if you are interested. For now you can get "Dog Fights" at my site. I just started this site, so all there is, is the "Dog Fights" plugin. http://thebutchersmaps.weebly.com/
Leave any comments on this post until I set up an email for the team.

Sam The Butcher.
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Re: Looking for Map testers/builders

Post by Isolder »

If you like AI fighting each other you might like Battle Caps. http://tain.totalcodex.net/items/show/battlecaps

Just need to find someone to try it out with. It's pretty sweet.
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Fury IX
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Re: Looking for Map testers/builders

Post by Fury IX »

I for one liked the dog fights alot, cool map

My number one complaint would be the map edges, I understand its alot of work but it would be way worth it to make it bigger. The arena itself is a good size.

It bugged out alot for me, the enemy dogs wouldnt train and the level didnt end. The training seemed a little long for how much fun it was, but the dogfights AI was great, and pretty fun to watch.

I also like scripting AI, if you need any help in loathing I would be happy to try out some stuff. I have an AI wolf who follows fenris using inventory commands, like follow, stay, attack, etc. Something like that would be cool in this plug, to get the jmen into the ring.

Also the TSG dog might be bad ass in this, as an end boss or something :p
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Re: Looking for Map testers/builders

Post by SamualACarver »

Thanks for checking it out! I am glad you like it! Also thanks for the input. I will fix it to allow the camera to have more room. The map is actually pretty big.
I didnt intend on it being a Solo map (although I could) The Plugin I guess still has the Solo version in it (was using that to test it). Thats why during training the enemy Wolves did really do anything and the game didnt end. Try it multiplayer, maybe we can get together to play. Or get a full game. Let me know when you will be on or are usually on and can play. I havent seen it with all 8 Dogs fighting yet.

Oh yea and thanks for offering to help with Loathing. I would for sure appreciate it. I will soon have a site up with a new map I am working on, (I'll post here when I get enough of the site finished) and if you are interested you could join the team and help build it in as big or small way as you want.

Sam TB
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Fury IX
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Re: Looking for Map testers/builders

Post by Fury IX »

Ahh didnt see the multimap. I thought it was like clue, where there are AI filling in for players.

Im usually on after 7pm server time, but I may be on earlier for the next few weeks. I would like to play them multi.

Im looking forward to more maps
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Re: Looking for Map testers/builders

Post by SamualACarver »

I have my site started. It is still pretty rough and basic, but I do have some pics of my new units and attacks up (what is finished of them anyway). Check it out and let me know what you think about the Units/Attacks. Dog Fights is there also.

Update on Dog Fights. I will increase the area that the camera can move in. As Fury suggested. Also thanks to Myrd helping me out I will have the chickens match the Players Colors. The Wolves will also carry, in some way, the players colors. I am thinking something like what Greyhounds wear when they race. Ill post here when the changes are made and the new version is uploaded.

Fury and I tested it. I must have changed something unknowingly, but the game was ending before the AI fight took over (never happened before). I will make the changes and post an update.


Sam TB
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Re: Looking for Map testers/builders

Post by GodzFire »

This is a joke right? Seriously? You're making a map that glorifies dog fighting? It's illegal, immoral, and cruel/inhumane to the animals. What kind of a perverse person gets enjoyment out of watching something else suffer. You should be ashamed of yourself!

There is absolutely no way this map should be allowed to be released. The only way it could work is if the creatures are changed into fictional animals. Otherwise the map needs to be banned right now. I'm repulsed.
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Re: Looking for Map testers/builders

Post by Deqlyn »

This is a joke right? Seriously? You're making a map that glorifies dog fighting? It's illegal, immoral, and cruel/inhumane to the animals. What kind of a perverse person gets enjoyment out of watching something else suffer. You should be ashamed of yourself!

There is absolutely no way this map should be allowed to be released. The only way it could work is if the creatures are changed into fictional animals. Otherwise the map needs to be banned right now. I'm repulsed.

Yeah but killing people, thats ok.... Everything is fictional in myth, thats why they call it a game. You must not play any first person shooters, war games, or anything else that is related to criminal acts.

You should change the deceiver to a Hi Res Michael Vick. Also I think if Myrd could create a mod so we can place real money bets Magma could take a rake and we could do something usreful with the money.

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Re: Looking for Map testers/builders

Post by Jon God »

GodzFire wrote:This is a joke right? Seriously? You're making a map that glorifies dog fighting? It's illegal, immoral, and cruel/inhumane to the animals. What kind of a perverse person gets enjoyment out of watching something else suffer. You should be ashamed of yourself!

There is absolutely no way this map should be allowed to be released. The only way it could work is if the creatures are changed into fictional animals. Otherwise the map needs to be banned right now. I'm repulsed.
Are you serious? After being able to blow people into little pieces, and pick the pieces up and throw them around, a dogfight is completely unacceptable?
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Re: Looking for Map testers/builders

Post by GodzFire »

There's a big difference between imaginary units like undead thrall, forest giants, and mauls and what this map is trying to emulate.
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Re: Looking for Map testers/builders

Post by Pyro »

Why didn't you use your old account instead of this new one, Sam? Not, that it matters. Also, your old site is still working I think.
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Re: Looking for Map testers/builders

Post by SamualACarver »

This is a joke right? Seriously? You're making a map that glorifies dog fighting? It's illegal, immoral, and cruel/inhumane to the animals. What kind of a perverse person gets enjoyment out of watching something else suffer. You should be ashamed of yourself!

There is absolutely no way this map should be allowed to be released. The only way it could work is if the creatures are changed into fictional animals. Otherwise the map needs to be banned right now. I'm repulsed.

You know I'm the Butcher right!

Seriously though its just a game. Get over it. I can't believe anyone would even go there.
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Re: Looking for Map testers/builders

Post by SamualACarver »

Why didn't you use your old account instead of this new one, Sam? Not, that it matters. Also, your old site is still working I think
Man I totally forgot about my old account and dont have the email I started it with. As far as my old site I forgot about that to, dont even have the address.

Did you get a chance to try the new version 1.4? Is it working right? Two years ago it worked fine, I just made some minor changes recently. I do have the older versions though. In case I need to start over with one of them.

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Re: Looking for Map testers/builders

Post by SamualACarver »

I feel like an idiot. It has been awhile since I have worked on maps. I totally forgot that I had it tagged as a Single Player map. I had done that in order to test it out. The new version 1.5 is up.


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Re: Looking for Map testers/builders

Post by SamualACarver »

Isolder wrote:If you like AI fighting each other you might like Battle Caps. http://tain.totalcodex.net/items/show/battlecaps

Just need to find someone to try it out with. It's pretty sweet.

I read the description and have Dled it. I will check it out. Sounds cool.

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