who bought the stuff from renwood?

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Re: who bought the stuff from renwood?

Post by DarthRevan555 »

wait just one question, will that guy ever get his money back?

cuz its renwood, so im sure he didnt charge cheap
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Re: who bought the stuff from renwood?

Post by Isolder »

If the guy got the models why should he get his money back? Presumably, he wouldn't have gotten the models otherwise so I'd say he got a good deal.
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Re: who bought the stuff from renwood?

Post by vinylrake »

that's a completely ridiculous thing to say.

if you buy something from someone who doesn't have the right to sell it, and the reason you bought the something is because the person selling it made false claims then you should have the right to get your money back.

if the world were _fair_ or this were a purchase through a legitimate business, the person would get his money back. Heck, even if the person who sold the items just had a conscience he would give the money back, but since if the person had a conscience he never would have sold the models in the first place, it's obviously never going to happen. greed and immoral human nature trump fairness just about everytime.
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Re: who bought the stuff from renwood?

Post by Jon God »

Someone lock this topic before it starts back up again.
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Re: who bought the stuff from renwood?

Post by Deqlyn »

We should all just read this and laugh instead, maybe you have seen it. Language NSFW. Its called if historical figures had facebook. I dont like the columbia one though.

http://coolmaterial.com/roundup/if-hist ... -statuses/
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Re: who bought the stuff from renwood?

Post by DarthRevan555 »

LOL i liked the abe lincoln one best >_<

and titanic
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