Photoshop batch for indexing unit collections

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Photoshop batch for indexing unit collections

Post by Zeph »

I would like to know the steps to indexing properly a unit in photoshop.

The unit is rendered with its own alpha channel and anti-alias
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Re: Photoshop batch for indexing unit collections

Post by Isolder »

I can't tell you everything, but I am pretty sure I've read that you're not supposed to anti alias your renders because it will cause issues on the edges where the alpha blends with the aliased edges and it's not pretty.
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Re: Photoshop batch for indexing unit collections

Post by Graydon »

If you managed to log on for more than 1 minute and 30 seconds at a time on hotline, and actually stick around long enough for me to teach you how....

Iso: You're wrong. If you don't anti alias your units will look like crap. :)
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Re: Photoshop batch for indexing unit collections

Post by Zeph »

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Re: Photoshop batch for indexing unit collections

Post by Isolder »

Graydon wrote:If you managed to log on for more than 1 minute and 30 seconds at a time on hotline, and actually stick around long enough for me to teach you how....

Iso: You're wrong. If you don't anti alias your units will look like crap. :)
Really.. well.. I'm going to have to scratch that tutorial off my list of trustworthy tutorials then..
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Re: Photoshop batch for indexing unit collections

Post by Pyro »

Actually both statements are true for different reasons. There are different ways to go about things. If you use anti-alias it can give you some trouble with the outline of the unit meeting the background color. This is why some tutorials might say you should not use it. However, there are ways to work with it so this issue isn't any trouble. For example, if you make the background color black and use anti-alias, then use an alpha mask to remove the background and make it whatever color you want like blue. Now only the unit itself has the anti-alias and the background is not.
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Re: Photoshop batch for indexing unit collections

Post by Point »

Pyro wrote:Actually both statements are true for different reasons. There are different ways to go about things. If you use anti-alias it can give you some trouble with the outline of the unit meeting the background color. This is why some tutorials might say you should not use it. However, there are ways to work with it so this issue isn't any trouble. For example, if you make the background color black and use anti-alias, then use an alpha mask to remove the background and make it whatever color you want like blue. Now only the unit itself has the anti-alias and the background is not.

I have had issues rendering over black when i go to make the color table indexed... so I still render over blue which at least is easy to edit out in the color plate later.. or fix with a hue change...

would be stellar to have oak index png files to a optimized color table after import :)

im still looking for the best way to do the indexing....

1 way I'm trying to figure is by using adobe image ready....

load all render frames into adobe image ready...
make all layers visible
select format type png-8
check box use unified color table

color table-> to custom
select-> 240 colors
dither-> diffusion 80%
Transparency ->100% -> no dither

this will create a universal color table... thus eliminating the hassle of trying to create a color table by taking a bunch of images... this automatically averages them all.

Export layers as png files
all images will have same colors though the order of the color table will be random... still trying to figure a way around this.. if anyone has a better simply way please post... (i have had little success with straight photo shop batches...)

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Re: Photoshop batch for indexing unit collections

Post by Pyro »

You mention 240 colors, but that should only apply for color maps. Everything else can use the full 256 colors (with you forcing the first 2 colors of course).
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Re: Photoshop batch for indexing unit collections

Post by Point »

Has anyone created a batch script yet for photoshop that works to index to a set color table and retain the order? ... orial.aspx

photoshop batch----

1 open the actions palette
2. select new action
3. click on record
4. index color
5. save file as
6. click on stop

automate --> Batch

>convert mode (index color)
>color range (select background hue)
>cut (cut background creating new transparent (color not in render))
>save file as... to new folder
>rinse lather and repeat

Color Table -(256) colors-
--Grays- 000 (12)
1UniformLeather 010 (24)
2UnitHair 030 (8)
3UniformShirt 040 (16)
3UniformJacket 060 (32)
4UniformPant 090 (48)
5UniformHelmet 150 (48)
6Player 180 (8)
7Team 200 (8)
--Background 240 (1)+(1)
--CenterDot 270 (1)
--Divider 300 (1)
8Unit Skin 330 (24)
--Wood- 350 (16)
--Blood- 360 (8)
Last edited by Point on Thu Oct 21, 2010 5:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Photoshop batch for indexing unit collections

Post by Chicken Berel »

Graydon helped with the TWA hd stuff (my fav and best looking plugin IMHO), or at least it says so in the readme.
So on how to go about getting the best looking indexed renders, i would take his advice above all.

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-Chicken berel
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