whats is "test case" ??

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whats is "test case" ??

Post by juliocpaes »

Hello my friends,

whats is "test case" ?? (ACTION SNIFFING). :?

could list the meaning of each number. :shock:

(complete list) : :wink:
ACTION SNIFFING.JPG (49.04 KiB) Viewed 1243 times
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Re: whats is "test case" ??

Post by Pyro »

The "Action Sniffing" map action tests to see if certain commands are being entered by the player. It also disables other commands so the player can only do the correct one being tested. It is used in single player only and mostly for things like the tutorial. Each value tests for something different, here is the list:

0 = No test, all actions and commands are allowed
1 = If the overhead map is visible

50 = If the overhead map is brought up
51 = If the camera is orbiting
52 = If the camera is moving forwards or backwards
53 = If the camera is rotating
54 = If the camera is panning
55 = If the camera is zooming

100 = If the player has issued a command to stop
101 = If the player has issued a command to scatter
102 = If the player has issued a command to retreat
103 = If the player has issued a command to use a special ability
104 = If the player has issued a command to guard
105 = If the player has issued a command to move unit(s)
106 = If the player has issued a command to target unit(s)
107 = If the player has issued a command to attack a ground location
108 = If the player has issued a command to pick up an item
109 = If the player has issued a command to attack

150 = If the player has issued a command to use a reflexive special ability
151 = If the player has issued a command to use a nonreflexive special ability
152 = If the player has issued a command to use a special ability versus anyone

160 = If the player has issued a command to use loose line formation
161 = If the player has issued a command to use vanguard formation
162 = If the player has issued a command to use any formation
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Re: whats is "test case" ??

Post by juliocpaes »

My friend Pyro,

thanks for the feedback. I understood the explanation.

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