The one and only Myth fan film here in full for ours enjoyment!
Myth: Avon's Hope, Part 1
Who can translate for me, the scene 04:21 minutes, in the camp, on the brink of a bonfire, which the warrior and dwarf talked? I have tried to understand, someone can translate basically For me. (Portuguese)?
The armies of the dark were spreading from the east. The officers of the legion met in tandum to form a plan. A force 200 strong was sent to Avon's Grove in hopes of barricading the free cities of the north from the oncoming horde. The path through the Ermine while easy on paper proved treatcherous. Bri'Anor assaulted our ranks relentlessly. The once mighty force was reduced to a small rabble of starving injured men. We can no longer offer adaquate protection to the town.
Warrior: Brok get on the hill
Dwarf: Get out of the way
[Dwarf laughs]
Warrior: Where is the captain?
Dwarf: He's over there he's dead, they're all dead.
Dwarf: Fool
Warrior: One mistake to many it seems. There could be more thrall around.
Dwarf: You're right we have a few hours till dark we should get moving.
Warrior: Take his rations
Dwarf: Right
Warrior: Should we bury him?
Dwarf: I aint digging
Warrior: All right lets go.
Warrior: No food
Warrior: Is the meat done
Dwarf: eh looks doen to me
Warrior: That isnt done
Dwarf: Fine let it cook then!
Warrior: How far are we from Avon's Grove?
Dwarf: About a day, day and a half
Dwarf: Refreshing
Warrior: Where did those thrall come from today
Dwarf: I dont know but I sent them back
Warrior: Every day in these woods is more trecherous than the last. I only hope we can make it to Avon's Grove...
I remember hunting him down when it was taken offline and enquiring if it'd ever return and him REALLY being keen to see it dead and buried forever. Something really sour had happened, he didn't really elude as to what but it was a weirdly stern opinion that he had.
Some people critisized it, maybe to a degree like they'd crit a real movie. Jack decided that he was a little baby and couldn't take it, so his best solution was to take it off the internet so nobody could ever watch it and make fun of him again.
It was extremely childish, but that's about the whole of it.