mesh effects that alter the mesh...
mesh effects that alter the mesh...
this is actually a question for Point, as he already did this, but it's so freaking awesome, I think the public needs to know it can be done....
your explosions modify the mesh height....
creating craters....
that is freaking how the hell you do that?
I went through your plug in fear and couldn't figure that out....
if it's a secret I understand....hehe, shoot me a PM but anyways, I think it's amazing and most mapmakers would love to implement that in their creations so maps are not that "plastic" and unalterable as myth is right now....
your explosions modify the mesh height....
creating craters....
that is freaking how the hell you do that?
I went through your plug in fear and couldn't figure that out....
if it's a secret I understand....hehe, shoot me a PM but anyways, I think it's amazing and most mapmakers would love to implement that in their creations so maps are not that "plastic" and unalterable as myth is right now....
Re: mesh effects that alter the mesh...
It has to do with the timing on the mesh effect, IIRC.

PSN: Jon_God
Re: mesh effects that alter the mesh... got me there...where do you tweak that? in the projectile tag?
Re: mesh effects that alter the mesh...
Did you try looking into the "mesh effect" tag type in Fear?
Re: mesh effects that alter the mesh...
there's also a modified jman unit who can alter the height of the mesh. it's crude and pretty impractical, but interesting. (impractical because he raises up the mesh in jagged spires which should be impassible, but which aren't because he just alters the mesh he doesn't(can't?) change the passability of the raised terrain from what the underlaying map says it is.
Re: mesh effects that alter the mesh...
I tried looking into mesh effects but didn't understand a thing how to make that happen
I tweaked a couple of files in there, still nothing....
any clues appreciated!
I tweaked a couple of files in there, still nothing....
any clues appreciated!
Re: mesh effects that alter the mesh...
mesh effects can be applied to the projectile group.. i think most of the ones in warfare are based on the journey man dig in the ice... its rather easy to add them.. im away from mac so not able to check if mac fear and pc fear have any differences... though in pc fear its dissapation value that i believe makes them stick...
just look at the ones in wava... I do have one upgrade coming for them which is to add better crater scars to some of the explosions and digs.... since for some reason right now the when you dig a foxhole the stain doesnt stay on mesh..
anyway simple answer is just copy the one you like the best in wava
just look at the ones in wava... I do have one upgrade coming for them which is to add better crater scars to some of the explosions and digs.... since for some reason right now the when you dig a foxhole the stain doesnt stay on mesh..
anyway simple answer is just copy the one you like the best in wava
if one does not learn from the failings of the past they are likely to suffer its return.
Re: mesh effects that alter the mesh...
ah...totally lost
I even placed the 12journeman in a map and it doesn't dig anything, all he does is throw bits of ice...but no hole in least in my mesh
does the mesh need to have any special flag checked for this to happen, or is it because of mesh heights/terrain height?
tried copying your files, but there's just too many linked together, so I prefer to understand the mechanism to try to duplicate it....
any help appreciated
I even placed the 12journeman in a map and it doesn't dig anything, all he does is throw bits of ice...but no hole in least in my mesh
does the mesh need to have any special flag checked for this to happen, or is it because of mesh heights/terrain height?
tried copying your files, but there's just too many linked together, so I prefer to understand the mechanism to try to duplicate it....
any help appreciated
Re: mesh effects that alter the mesh...
no script or anything on the map needed... the journeyman himself just tosses ice i think the script uses the dig... anycase try using chaos and extract the soldier dig #foxhole dig or any of the explosions impact dents or craters #AT- impact crater in mesh effects... that will grab all related files
as long as the ME is selected in the explosion projectile group of your projectile it should work.
as long as the ME is selected in the explosion projectile group of your projectile it should work.
if one does not learn from the failings of the past they are likely to suffer its return.
Re: mesh effects that alter the mesh...
Its not a script.
If you have my old WII propack you can grab a shovel and dig your own, make a trench if you like.
Id have to unplug the plugin to see how I did it's been a long time. I believe its a detonation effect and usually it fixes itself so you have to modify it so it doesnt. I believe shiver uses the effect (her ripple attack) but its done in a way where its a temporary thing.
If you have my old WII propack you can grab a shovel and dig your own, make a trench if you like.
Id have to unplug the plugin to see how I did it's been a long time. I believe its a detonation effect and usually it fixes itself so you have to modify it so it doesnt. I believe shiver uses the effect (her ripple attack) but its done in a way where its a temporary thing.

Re: mesh effects that alter the mesh...
The spidermines in JINN leave craters. They are essentially wights, so it should be easy to figure out.Road wrote:Its not a script.
If you have my old WII propack you can grab a shovel and dig your own, make a trench if you like.
Id have to unplug the plugin to see how I did it's been a long time. I believe its a detonation effect and usually it fixes itself so you have to modify it so it doesnt. I believe shiver uses the effect (her ripple attack) but its done in a way where its a temporary thing.

PSN: Jon_God
Re: mesh effects that alter the mesh...
I still couldn't figure it out, but I won't give up....hehehe
Re: mesh effects that alter the mesh...
Setting the Velocity to 0.0 will prevent the mesh from repairing and crate a hole. May have to mes with the other 4 settings to perfect it. The shockwave part of it may or may not physically effect it.... I dont recall, Im pretty sure its just for effect though.
Ill untag a plugin I have and give you more information.
Ill untag a plugin I have and give you more information.

Re: mesh effects that alter the mesh...
you are a freaking genius~!!
that was it!
the speed to 0 !!!!!!
thanks Road!
that was it!
the speed to 0 !!!!!!
thanks Road!
Re: mesh effects that alter the mesh...
No problem Carlinho, glad I could help.
You can also make mountains or Pools of lava (Dark Wizard in Undead Legions).
Last I checked it was limited, I think when I was first playing with it you could only use it like 6 times and it would just stop working... let me know if the limits changed
You can also make mountains or Pools of lava (Dark Wizard in Undead Legions).
Last I checked it was limited, I think when I was first playing with it you could only use it like 6 times and it would just stop working... let me know if the limits changed