myth2 1.8 suggestions

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Re: myth2 1.8 suggestions

Post by Eddaweaver »

I would like for the dots on the overhead map to be able to be resized when the map is resized. The dots become too small in many circumstances.

I'd also like the software mode to be able to upsize the map - a simple one pixel to become four, then sixteen etc, switch.
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Re: myth2 1.8 suggestions

Post by vinylrake »

i'd like to be able to override the space between the right edge of the overhead map and the right edge of my monitor. i can't recall the map but there's at least one fairly-standard map i play on that (i am guess) has a fairly large 'blank space' between the right edge of map and right edge of monitor. when i make the map larger that space is proportionately enlarged so if i make the overhead quite large i end up with 1-2" of 'white space' between the map and edge of the screen.

so i guess maybe i am requesting the ability to unstickify the overhead map so it can be moved around at will (key-click-drag)? (including being able to move it off-screen with a key-combo to restore it to default location (or is that already a feature that got added the same time resizing the overhead was implemented?)
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Re: myth2 1.8 suggestions

Post by punkUser »

Eddaweaver wrote:I would like for the dots on the overhead map to be able to be resized when the map is resized. The dots become too small in many circumstances.
Agreed that would be useful although we'll have to decide on some sort of scale for them.
Eddaweaver wrote: I'd also like the software mode to be able to upsize the map - a simple one pixel to become four, then sixteen etc, switch.
... you use software mode...? Why?
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Re: myth2 1.8 suggestions

Post by Melekor »

browning wrote:I also have a few issues with Myth currently. I had to revert back to 1.7.1 because the newest version made my camera movement extremely choppy. Also, when I exit the Myth application, it remains active as a process and consistently crashes my Flash plugin in the browser. I have to manually terminate the process every time to avoid this.
Can you open up a thread in the tech support forum? Please post your OS and computer specs, and a copy of myth_log.txt after running a map.
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Re: myth2 1.8 suggestions

Post by Khadrelt »

Purely a vanity suggestion, but ever since I first played Myth I wished that at the end it ran a list of your surviving veterans, the number of battles they were in, and the number of kills they had—like a rolling credits scene or something. Maybe also a list of highly-advanced vets who died, like a war memorial. Probably not worth the bother it would take, but hey, it'd be cool.
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Re: myth2 1.8 suggestions

Post by Point »

Khadrelt wrote:Purely a vanity suggestion, but ever since I first played Myth I wished that at the end it ran a list of your surviving veterans, the number of battles they were in, and the number of kills they had—like a rolling credits scene or something. Maybe also a list of highly-advanced vets who died, like a war memorial. Probably not worth the bother it would take, but hey, it'd be cool.
this would be very cool right now it only lists i think 4 units even if you had 10 heroes survive... Close combat did a good job of allowing you to follow your soldiers through the course of the war :) I would be fun if myth did something as well ... (list of vetrans in the pool of vetrans or something )
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Re: myth2 1.8 suggestions

Post by Point »

1.8 the important things beyond the fixes...

Complete monster switches via the artifact... this would overcome the object limitations, the collection having to include all the animations, the ammunition not switching with the monster change etc.. its a good thing...

increase of the 4 available attack slots to 8 or something... would allow for more custom attack sequences based on the range, or pick ups. also if the Cant be used against giant and flying etc.. actually worked to keep the unit from using the attack against giant etc that would be great. ;)
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Re: myth2 1.8 suggestions

Post by MindBrain »

Suggestion: Audio sound that lets you know when someone joins your host. For when you have the game open in the background and doing stuff in other windows.

Also, let Archers shift attack, to attack multiple units, instead of focusing on just one. Might even make archer battles more interesting... I know you can gesture or stop and let them attack on their own but that takes longer, more dangerous, and can't use it offensively as easy...
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Re: myth2 1.8 suggestions

Post by MindBrain »

What's the word on 1.8 is it coming along?

I got a new suggestion if it's possible. Can the plugin list be color coded, or marked in any other way, to show which plugins are solo/coop, which are multiplayer and which have both solo/coop and multiplayer? Would make it easier if you have lots of plugins, to pick the type, especially if you don't know all the details of each plugin you got.
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Re: myth2 1.8 suggestions

Post by vinylrake »

the color of the plugin is something mapmakers currently set. (they can set it with a hex editor, most don't bother)

interesting idea though.

you should also ask Baak to come out of retirement and finish his projects. i can say no more.
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Re: myth2 1.8 suggestions

Post by Pyro »

I think you might be confusing the color of map/level names with plugins, VR. It is an interesting idea but who knows how doable it really is to make it happen.
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Re: myth2 1.8 suggestions

Post by Defacto »

I was just thinking the other day that the dots on the map should resize some along with the map, so yea I second that!

I was playing an intense 2 team game of keep across the river the other day, and I got messed up a few times when i told my units to move to a location on the ground, its was in the heat of battle so i clicked real fast, only to find i had clicked on a unit belonging to one of my teamates. This then made me select the teammate's unit. I then had to click on the OH map to get back to where my units were in order to select them again and to move them to where I had wanted to before. So i clicked on the OH map, and again quickly clicked on the map to tell my units to go there, only this time I clicked a little too close to some enemy units and it thought i wanted my units to attack these enemys. All i wanted to do was move my units to a point on the map.

Can there be some way added with ease, where i can do something like "ctrl click" the ground for troops movements? Like Alt+click ground? Then it would not matter if there were teamates units or enemy units currently standing there or near there.

Also when I play with my friend who is a myth noob, he allways gets pissed when he is made random cap. He says its because when he tries to band select his units in battle, he keep accidentily selecting and controlling his teammates units, and they yell at him "STOP CONTROLING MY UNITS!" This happens to me in games when captains end up controling my guys because they are mixed in with their own guys and maybe they didnt see mine. Also these mean spirited types that are all concerned about ranked i have noticed LOVE to just control your unit whever they feel like it, because the think everybody is a noob compared to them. I think captains should NOT be able to control a teamates units if they are detached to the teamate. Since they belong to dont belong to the captain anymore. IF the captain wants to control the units, Fine take them from the teammate and detach them back into the captains control, move them, then give them back to the teamate. This is how myth should have ALLWAYS worked anyways. This will not change gameplay for the worse, as captains still have all the control, just not when they belong to other players...As it should be!

This would also help eliminate all kinds of cheating, where a captain can say for instance, tell a teamates dorf or wight to team kill somebody else on their team, then even if you watch the film you cant tell who did it, its either the captain OR the guy that owned the unit.

About saving vets. This game is OLD, and i read the other day in the 1.7 readme that you can have persistant vets in coops game so if new people come in the room, vets dont go POOF. I have wanted this since TFL days. Can we PLEASE have this added to multiplayer games as well?!? It would add a super awesome and NEW level to gameplay if you could keep persistent vets in multiplayer games. This WOULD BE AN OPTION of course so if people dont want to play with this multiplayer persistant vets feature, they would just not join games that have Vets turned on in the host options. Because curently vets in multiplayer games are completely
useless. Because if anybody new joins they go POOF or if any of the people that had been in the game dropped and rejoins the game they go POOF. Also with the amount that games get hung up in post, it is impossible to avoid vet POOFAGE!

This wont change the game at all if people dont have vets turned on, so nobody can complain saying it is a bad idea. Dont like the idea? just dont join games with vets on! Host your own non persistent vets game.
I played some COOP games the other day after i found out you guys added persistent vets and it was REALLY COOL! We all got to keep our vets and not worry about them Poofing on us and being sad a new player joined us. We dont want to have to password games and leave people out JUST to keep our vets!

This would really add a new spark to multiplayer if it was added and be refreshing and add a new level to myths gameplay. Please consider adding this. I know it would be a super simple thing to add, since you allready did it for COOPs. Imagine a MWC match with persistent vets, that would be, so damn awesome, i would cry tears of joy and praise magma to the heavens!
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Re: myth2 1.8 suggestions

Post by vinylrake »

the accidental band-selection of teammate' units is easily solved by just pressing ENTER instead of band-selecting. As you know, ENTER selects all your visible units on-screen. It's quicker than band select and gets them all.

If in the heat of battle you find you are frequently band-selecting, or you find you rarely want to select ALL your visible units but just a subset of units, I would suggest presets. there are of course situations where you want to select units that aren't in a logical group (preset), but I am guessing that presets would handle 90% of the situations where you(generic) currently band-select. (band selecting is also a very slow way of selecting units, especially in a battle situation where every fraction of a second can make or break your micromanaging, as you often have to rotate the camera to get a clean 'select' if you don't want all your units in the area to be selected)

I think captains SHOULD be able to control detached units - that is the captain's prerogative, but it would be good if the regular click-drag only selected the units belonging to the person doing the click-dragging, maybe a CTL-CLICK-DRAG could be used by a captain to select all team units in the area being dragged over?
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Re: myth2 1.8 suggestions

Post by Defacto »

There is not a single reason why captains should be able to control units that do not belong to them. If they want to control them, detach them. There are many MANY reasons, as I stated above, why captains should not be able to control other's units the captain does not own.
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Re: myth2 1.8 suggestions

Post by Jon God »

vinylrake wrote:I think captains SHOULD be able to control detached units - that is the captain's prerogative, but it would be good if the regular click-drag only selected the units belonging to the person doing the click-dragging, maybe a CTL-CLICK-DRAG could be used by a captain to select all team units in the area being dragged over?
I am going to agree with this. I've capped a team before, and baby sat units while another player is spread thin. If there is an option for this, or some log of who is currently sending orders to it, I'd be for it, but up and removing it seems like a bad idea.
PSN: Jon_God
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