Hi, I moved and recently discovered that during the move, my CD cracked. I was just going to pick this game up again until now. I even talked a sibling into playing against me on his PC so we can both get acclimated. Now, does anyone on here sell these games? Is it still illegal to copy these games, since Bungie is no longer in the picture and stands to lose no money, and is likely no longer the owner of the IP of "Myth" games?
If it is OK to ask someone for copies, I'd love to get one for me, but also one for my sibling. If I need to buy it again, can anyone recommend a good spot? I had JUST bought my second copy, the broken one, and I have all Myth 2: Worlds disks in perfect condition until this happened to my Soulblighter disk.
One disk I do not have is Green Berets, if I can get that as well, please.
If I'm out of line in a portion of what I'm asking for here, please consider leaving the thread open so I can get info on buying from someone here if there is an "authorized" dealer here, or so someone can better direct me. I thank you in advance.
CD Cracked! Need to buy 2 copies!
Re: CD Cracked! Need to buy 2 copies!
Google the "Myth World Cup 2011" forums, go to the general page of the forums, and look at the very top post and you will find what you are looking for.
This has been the case for like the last 7 years of MWC websites at least.
Or you can try ebay or amazon, its allways on there for like 4 bucks.
This has been the case for like the last 7 years of MWC websites at least.
Or you can try ebay or amazon, its allways on there for like 4 bucks.
Re: CD Cracked! Need to buy 2 copies!
brand new windows copies of Myth 2 Green Berets for $5 on Amazon. It comes with a full working version of Myth II PLUS Green Berets total conversion.
two-two... two products in one!
two-two... two products in one!
Re: CD Cracked! Need to buy 2 copies!
For the record, it is illegal to download myth 2, it is owned by Take 2 interative (not bungie). But since you already have the cd, it may not be an issue for you.
The best route would be as vinylrake said and by a copy of green berets on amazon. Then download the latest patch from project magma, and you will not need the cd in to play the game, so you could play on your siblings computer as well.
The best route would be as vinylrake said and by a copy of green berets on amazon. Then download the latest patch from project magma, and you will not need the cd in to play the game, so you could play on your siblings computer as well.
Re: CD Cracked! Need to buy 2 copies!
If he has damaged Myth II CDs he has the right to download the game he owns the end user license for. Much like how you can make 1 copy of anything (by that I mean software, movies and other forms of digital content) you buy as a backup. A Lot of people do not know you are allowed to do this, you just can only have 1 backup of anything you allready paid for at one time.
For example, if you buy some software and it costs $5,000 you would certainly want to make a copy of that disc, and use it for day to day use, and keep the original in an archive in case the backup gets damaged.
For example, if you buy some software and it costs $5,000 you would certainly want to make a copy of that disc, and use it for day to day use, and keep the original in an archive in case the backup gets damaged.
Re: CD Cracked! Need to buy 2 copies!
You can argue someone has the moral 'right' but at least in the US, you don't have any LEGAL "right" to download software from a third party unless the EULA (end use license agreement) you agreed to by installing the software explicitly grants you that right. Unless the software was OpenSource or CC to begin with I'd be suprised if a EULA gives you that leeway.
Legally you are permitted to make a backup copy of anything you own, and the concept of 'fair use' even lets you make a copy for a friend or two or a family member(tho that doesn't include hosting backups for random strangers to download over the internet), AND the entertainment industry (gaming/music/movie) fights any dissemination of copyrighted material that isn't for personal use of the person who bought it. AND while you understandably might not feel any moral qualms about downloading a copy of something you already bought once, the person letting you download the software is breaking the law, as are you if you download it. getting a copy of someone else's myth II CD is legally not the same thing as making your own copy of your own CD and using that.
to recap, I am not saying I think the morality of the issue is the same as the legality of the issue, I am just clarifying the legal issue of downloading software.
Legally you are permitted to make a backup copy of anything you own, and the concept of 'fair use' even lets you make a copy for a friend or two or a family member(tho that doesn't include hosting backups for random strangers to download over the internet), AND the entertainment industry (gaming/music/movie) fights any dissemination of copyrighted material that isn't for personal use of the person who bought it. AND while you understandably might not feel any moral qualms about downloading a copy of something you already bought once, the person letting you download the software is breaking the law, as are you if you download it. getting a copy of someone else's myth II CD is legally not the same thing as making your own copy of your own CD and using that.
to recap, I am not saying I think the morality of the issue is the same as the legality of the issue, I am just clarifying the legal issue of downloading software.
Re: CD Cracked! Need to buy 2 copies!
NO dout the person that is offering something they dont own the rights to is breaking the law, but the person that owns a license has the right to obtain a copy of something they allready own. Unless there is exact wording to prevent this senario from occruinng allready on the books, it would not be an issue.
Re: CD Cracked! Need to buy 2 copies!
i have no doubt there 'wording already on the books' that could be used to prosecute individuals who download copies of software which are not copies they personally created.
it's like downloading a movie from a torrent feed. even if i have a copy of the DVD in my hand, it's still illegal to download the digital copy of the movie because the studio owns the rights to *distribution* - and the person obtaining copyrighted material through illegal channels is breaking the law.
again, not arguing morality, the entertainment industry is not by any stretch moral - the industry would argue that you are 'supposed' to purchase every copy of a song/album/movie/videogame that you own even if you never play it on more than one device at a time. so before MP3 players were around, they argued that you if you already had purchased a CD and you wanted to listen to it in your car they said you couldn't rip and burn a copy to keep in the car, that you were supposed to buy another CD. obviously that's BS, but that's how the industry thinks - and it is the mindset they try to get laws enacted to protect.
it's like downloading a movie from a torrent feed. even if i have a copy of the DVD in my hand, it's still illegal to download the digital copy of the movie because the studio owns the rights to *distribution* - and the person obtaining copyrighted material through illegal channels is breaking the law.
again, not arguing morality, the entertainment industry is not by any stretch moral - the industry would argue that you are 'supposed' to purchase every copy of a song/album/movie/videogame that you own even if you never play it on more than one device at a time. so before MP3 players were around, they argued that you if you already had purchased a CD and you wanted to listen to it in your car they said you couldn't rip and burn a copy to keep in the car, that you were supposed to buy another CD. obviously that's BS, but that's how the industry thinks - and it is the mindset they try to get laws enacted to protect.
Re: CD Cracked! Need to buy 2 copies!
Thanks for the follow up posts.
Have a great day.
Have a great day.
Re: CD Cracked! Need to buy 2 copies!
Hi Mo,
I would recommend visiting your local thrift shops. I have seen copies of Myth TFL and Myth II there before, as well as many other classic games. I've managed to pick up some classic games in great condition for just a few dollars each, typically. Even a copy of Riven 5-cd set for $6. I really recommend it. However, you won't typically find the full box - only the jewel case with CD. It's very rare to find full boxed titles, but luckily those DO show up sometimes... It also depends on where you're located.
Anyway, just a recommendation in case you hadn't thought of that already.
I would recommend visiting your local thrift shops. I have seen copies of Myth TFL and Myth II there before, as well as many other classic games. I've managed to pick up some classic games in great condition for just a few dollars each, typically. Even a copy of Riven 5-cd set for $6. I really recommend it. However, you won't typically find the full box - only the jewel case with CD. It's very rare to find full boxed titles, but luckily those DO show up sometimes... It also depends on where you're located.
Anyway, just a recommendation in case you hadn't thought of that already.

twitter: amatecha
Re: CD Cracked! Need to buy 2 copies!
Amazon, Ebay, Myth products are allways in stock somewhere for super cheap!
Re: CD Cracked! Need to buy 2 copies!
uTorrent or the MWC website. Theres a thread early on in the mwc forums that has a link.