Hello I need a tutorial on how to make a dwarf air-strike you know where the dwarf throws a signal bottle and a blimp comes down from the sky with dwarfs in it and drops satchel charges. The only plugin i can find it in is requiem of the dead and I would like to know how to make it in fear. Or if anyone has a plugin with just that in it that in it that would work to.
P.S I can get the collections required easily if I know what they are called.
dwarf air-strike
Re: dwarf air-strike
Other plugins have that attack like The Fallen Levels. Pick any of those, extract into an empty local folder. Untag can extract tags from plugins, you can find that program at the Tain. Then study the tags to see how it is done. Start by finding the monster tag for the pathfinder dwarf that uses that attack. Then you will follow the tags from there and see where they are linked and to what. The attack is a projectile which is linked to either another projectile or a projectile group. Projectile groups are then linked to other projectiles and other tags like sounds, mesh effects, and local projectile groups.
Re: dwarf air-strike
RotD is the only map that has the dwarven airship with dwarfs chucking sats out the sides though. Ghost made a custom version of the airship (forget what plug it's originally from) that has the animating dwarfs using the pickup/drop seq to throw the sats over the edges. Pretty sure it's exclusive to Requiem.

Re: dwarf air-strike
The attack he refers to is the default flare with sats coming down (TFL Balin style), not that one with an airship with sats raining down.