help regarding pings
- Posts: 100
- Joined: Tue Feb 13, 2007 6:46 pm
help regarding pings
recently upgraded my terrible internet connection for a slightly less terrible internet connection, but can not see pings since the "upgrade". every game appears pingless. anyone know why this is happening/how i can fix it? thx
Re: help regarding pings
go back to a slower modem mb? (why would you want to go back to having ping/lag?)
- Posts: 100
- Joined: Tue Feb 13, 2007 6:46 pm
Re: help regarding pings
its just not displaying pings... doesn't mean i'm not lagging. i like to know what kind of host i am joining before hand...
Re: help regarding pings
I think there is a setting in the router that unblocks showing pings. I can't recall what it is though, maybe someone else will know.
Re: help regarding pings
how could a router setting effect what he sees in myth?
Re: help regarding pings
I recall at some point when messing with my router's settings I saw a checkbox for "Block Ping". I don't know if it means it blocks pings from hosts, meant for the use of within the network the router is part of, or some other 3rd option I can't imagine.
Who knows, perhaps the way Myth shows those pings isn't as accurate and could explain why it doesn't show them.
Who knows, perhaps the way Myth shows those pings isn't as accurate and could explain why it doesn't show them.
Re: help regarding pings
I think this is typically more host-dependent than client. Are you sure you're looking at the same hosts for whom pings used to work?
Indeed router settings can affect whether pings work (depending on how they are implemented in Myth 2 - I don't know), but typically again it's more for the host. "Block pings/ICMP" is generally talking about *inbound* pings, not outbound.
Indeed router settings can affect whether pings work (depending on how they are implemented in Myth 2 - I don't know), but typically again it's more for the host. "Block pings/ICMP" is generally talking about *inbound* pings, not outbound.
- Posts: 100
- Joined: Tue Feb 13, 2007 6:46 pm
Re: help regarding pings
still have not seen a single ping since upgrading. and yes, these are hosts that i would normally see a ping for. exhaustively searched through my router settings and saw nothing that would be of help. oh well... i guess i just have to deal with it.
Re: help regarding pings
Btw it's possible that your new internet "modem" (if you got one) is also acting as a router. Thus you may need to setup settings on it instead/as well.
- Posts: 100
- Joined: Tue Feb 13, 2007 6:46 pm
Re: help regarding pings
yes, my modem is also a router. i've looked though all the settings and could not find anything that indicated it would have anything to do with displaying pings.
Re: help regarding pings
Do you have a second router behind your modem/router? Have you tried hooking directly to your modem/router instead?
- Posts: 100
- Joined: Tue Feb 13, 2007 6:46 pm
Re: help regarding pings
its a router/modem combo... don't recall the model at this moment... but I've been seeing some pings lately, so I guess the issue resolved itself.
Re: help regarding pings
Maybe the issue is that you have fast internet now, and most hosts no longer have latency times for you due to your internet being fast now..... I see pings from time to time if the host is really far away and really slow. Most of the time I don't see pings cause I assume the latency is 0 ms.

Re: help regarding pings
The latency is unlikely to be 0 ms even if you ping another computer on your own LAN. Even if it was it would display 0 instead of (--).
The most common cause of pings not being displayed is that the host's ISP/router/firewall is blocking the incoming pings. Blocking on the client side is possible too, but blocking of outgoing traffic tends to be much less common than blocking incoming traffic.
The most common cause of pings not being displayed is that the host's ISP/router/firewall is blocking the incoming pings. Blocking on the client side is possible too, but blocking of outgoing traffic tends to be much less common than blocking incoming traffic.